Behavioral: 1. Why are you interested in finance? 2. What is your biggestachievement? Describe how you got there, the outcome and how it made you feel? Tell me about a case you where you had to or wanted to collaborate withanother person or team they did not reciprocate. What did you do? 4. Tell us a time whenyou identified a problem, how did you do it and what steps you took to solveit? 5. 分享一个case, where you are unhappy with the results, and what did you doafterwards? Tech: 1. If I gave you USD 5 million toinvest, what would you invest in and why? How did you come to that decision? 2. What happened during QE in EU/US? Further comments. 一起冲UBS的可以私信我微信,多多沟通呀。之后有任何update,我也会更新在这个贴子里。祝大家都文运昌盛~