剛考完VI ,趕快來分享給大家積攢人品,我這個職缺主要是做M&A 的,希望能順利進final round! 大家加油!!
1. Why are you interested in finance and what do you know about Investment Banking?
2. Why have you chosen to apply for UBS in particular? What is it that you think differentiates UBS?
3 How do you use feedback to better yourself? Give us a concrete example
4 Give me an example of a time when you challenged the way things were done in order to to achieve a better outcome for a project.
5 Tell me about a recent deal that UBS led.
6 What are the different types of valuation methodologies?
7 Why might a company choose to issue debt vs. equity?
8 You now have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.