pwc hk的vi一共有9题,和去年的一样没有改动,3分钟时间作答,但楼主讲的不算特别多,有些题就说了一分钟多一点,毕竟其他公司的vi都是一分半或者两分钟,pwc的实在是太长了,而且还9题,楼主原本有心准备一下的,但9题实在太劝退。原题太长,楼主只记了些关键字,问题如下:
1. Introduce yourself and why pwc
2. Learn some new information
3. Quickly make a decision when there is incomplete information
4. You finished your part but the team is falling behind, what would you do
5. Game changer experience of adapting to changes
6. When you choose to do things in an ethical way instead of an easier way
7. When you already have a lot of tasks and deadlines, a senior colleague wants you to get involved in another important assignment, what would you do
8. Reimagine possible experience
9. Tell me a time when you feel pressured to deal with complex task or large volume of work
根据楼主做的一些调查,pwc hk应该是9月第二个星期开始发的vi,如果大家最近申请的话,大概最迟不超过5个工作天就能收到vi了。如果是8月或者9月初就申请了但到现在都没收到vi的话,可能就有点危险了......
至于superday的话,楼主之前在九月初和月中pwc day的时候都问过hr,superday最后的format还没决定好,所以楼主预计应该没那么快发superday了,大家不要着急。听说这是个神奇的论坛,希望楼主可以挺进superday吧,有的话再跟大家分享!祝大家的申请都能顺顺利利呀!