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[面试] 2020欧睿广州PTA笔试







发表于 2020-7-16 19:54 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 vermi 于 2020-7-17 11:27 编辑

#20200715 欧睿广州PTA真题#

Part 1 很简单,忽略Part 2 图表已忽略
4. 过去几年通货膨胀率是3%,这个公司的产品销量是增加还是减少了?给体育馆管理者的建议。
5. 如果现在引入一种新的碳酸产品,市场总额不变的情况下,未来以后各品类的销售趋势是怎样的?给出原因。

Part3 找资料
1_How many kilograms of yellow soybeans didChina import in March 2020? The answer should be in kilos and not tons, itshould be as precise as possible.
2020年3月中国进口了多少公斤黄豆? 答案应该以公斤而不是吨为单位,它应该尽可能精确。百度一下黄大豆的编号是12019010

2_The cumulative growth of internetretailing in China is _% in March 2020?
2020年3月中国互联网零售的累计增长率是_% ?

3_Which of the following options is theannual revenue of Anta brand in the fiscal year of 2019?
答案 RMB *billion

4_Which of the following description is theright and most updated definition of GMV of Jingdong? 以下哪个描述是正确且最新的京东GMV定义?
A_ CoreGMV are the MGV excluding that from Paipai_com, while GMV are to the totalvalue of all orders for products and services placed in our online direct salesbusiness and on our online marketplace, regardless of whether the goods aresold or delivered or whether the goods are returned_ GMV includes the valuefrom order placed on our website and mobile applications as well as ordersplaced on third-party mobile applications that are fulfilled by us or by ourthird-party merchants_ Our calculation of GMV includes shipping charges paid bybuyers to sellers and excludes (i) any transaction in our B2C business withorder value exceeding RMB2,000 that are not ultimately sold or delivered, (ii)products or services on our C2C marketplace, Paipai_com, with list price aboveRMB100,000, and (iii) transactions conducted by buyers on Paipai_com who makepurchases exceeding RMB1,000,000 in aggregate in a single day_
B_  “GMV”are to the total value of all orders for products and services placed in ouronline retail business and on our online marketplaces, regardless of whetherthe goods are sold or delivered or whether the goods are returned_ GMV includesthe value from orders placed on our mobile apps and websites as well as ordersplaced on third-party mobile apps and websites that are fulfilled by us or byour third-party merchants_ The calculation of GMV includes shipping chargespaid by buyers to sellers and for prudent consideration excludes certaintransactions over certain amounts that are comparable to the disclosedparameters in GMV definition by our major industry peer_
C_ "GMV"are to the value of confirmed orders of products and services on ourmarketplaces, regardless of how, or whether, the buyer and seller settle thetransaction_ Unless otherwise stated, GMV in reference to our marketplacesincludes only GMV transacted on our China retail marketplaces_ Our calculationof GMV for our China retail marketplaces includes shipping charges paid bybuyers to sellers_ As a prudential matter aimed at eliminating any influence onour GMV of potentially fraudulent transactions, we exclude from our calculationof GMV transactions in certain product categories over certain amounts andtransactions by buyers in certain product categories over a certain amount perday;
D_ “GMV”are to the total value of all orders for products and services placed on ourPinduoduo mobile platform, regardless of whether the products and services areactually sold, delivered or returned_ Buyers on our platform are not chargedfor shipping fees in addition to the listed price of merchandise_ Hence,merchants may embed the shipping fees in the listed price_ If embedded, thenthe shipping fees are included in our GMV _ As a prudential matter aimed ateliminating any influence on our GMV of irregular transactions, we exclude fromour calculation of GMV transactions in certain product categories over certainamounts and transactions by buyers in certain product categories over a certainamount per day;
5_What is the market size (in RSP) ofHaitian’s soy sauce in 2018 ?
Select one:
A_ CNY1160 million
B_ CNY1200 million
C_ CNY1050 million
D_None of the above



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