德勤笔试提醒分为以下几种,1. 工作能力问卷:Verbal 12min/18题 Numerical 12min/12题 Logical 6min/15题
2. 候选人问卷:问卷选择 20分钟/21题
3. 工作优势问卷:性格测试 30分钟/2部分
4. 英语测验:英语作文 30分钟/不少于250字
总体来说,德勤的笔试并不算特别难的,基本上Verbal, Numerical, Logical 都是刷到的题库里面的,百度网盘链接在坛子里面就有。但是Verbal 我遇到了没见过的新题,一共四题,耽误了很长时间,导致最后一秒钟想改选项都没来得及;Numerical也有新题型,但是我还是在最后一秒做完了;Logical是我最懊悔的部分,Logical本来是我的强项,但是我没想到的是6min做15题,时间这么紧张,我大概只做到第8题就自动提交了,所以Logical部分能背答案就背下来吧,在真正做的时候,每道题都现场推是来不及的。只有像我这种现场推的才会做不完吧,肠子都悔青了。。。
性格测试就be yourself吧,有两个部分,第一个是传统的部分,比如“朋友觉得你很容易相处”,从非常符合,比较符合,一般符合,比较不符合,非常不符合等大概八个选项中选一个最接近的选项出来。第二个部分有8题,是把第一个部分出现的这些问题,排一个序,比如对“朋友觉得你很容易相处”、“你是团队中最能提出新点子的人”、“经常在公众场合感到紧张”等进行排序,最上面是最接近自身情况,最下面是最不接近自身情况的。
原文如下:As aresult of the regulatory measures imposed on ageing nuclear plants bygovernments, owing to the risk to the population in the event of a nuclearaccident, they are often required to retire them earlier than their designedlifespan. However, as nuclear plants provide carbon-free energy, the premature' shutdowns often result in adverse effects on climate change, as they arereplaced by coal or oil energy sources. You are required to propose solutionsto this dilemma.
除了核能,我整理的其他类型英语作文题如下: 核能 1. the large power generating capacity of nuclear power froma single source is ideal for meeting the power needs of the industrial,commercial and domestic sectors of a city. However, in the event of a nuclearplant accident, it potentially poses an extreme danger to the city'sinhabitants. You are the governor of the city required to make the decision onwhether to go nuclear or not. What factors would youconsider in your decision? Explain yourreasoning. 2. Theprocess of nuclear power generation releases relatively low amount of thecompounds found in greenhouse gases comparison with power generated from otherenergy resources. Particularly coal and oil. It also has a large powergenerating capacity relative to the materials consumed. Nuclear power istherefore an ideal source of power. To which extent do you agree or disagreewith this opinion. 温室 1. Developing countries have in recent years started takingthe lead in generating the pollution that results in global warming. This isbecause their rapid growth economies have been built on energy-intensive heavyindustries, which were mostly found in developed countries in the last century_Do you believe that they should the blame for global warming? How do youpropose they should manage the current situation? 2. Globalwarming poses an ever-increasing threat to our planet as governments fail totake the steps necessary to sufficiently address the situation in order tocontain this threat. We need to limit greenhouse gas emissions and deliberatelyslow the economic grown rate in the world. Explain why you agree or disagreewith these suggestions.
AI 1. Artificialintelligence is the development of computer systems to perform tasks, usuallyor previously requiring human intelligence. Some concerns have been raised asto where this development is leading us when considering the noticeable effectson employment in certain categories of work. What are currently its mainapplications as it affects our daily lives and how is it influencing the way welive now and in the near future? 2.
Theapplication and widespread use of artificial intelligence is developingrapidly. Some people have postulated that this development will ultimatelyresult in its surpassing of human intelligence which is already happening inmany fields and lead to a revolution in human affairs. Thesepeople believe therefore that we should control or regulate its development. Areyou to a certain extent in agreement with this viewpoint or not? Explain youown position in this regard.
食品安全 1. InChina, a number of large scale food safety scandals arising from foodcontamination or deliberate addition of carcinogenic dyes or other dangerousnon-food additives have made the public fearful of locally produced foodstuffs_This has resulted in a growing distrust of domestic food products. It has alsoincreased public preference for foods imported from overseas food producers whoare regarded as models of food safety, to the detriment of local agricultureand the local food industry. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Fintech 1. Financialtechnology or fintech as it is commonly known, describes new technologyinnovations and applications in the finance sector, and is said to be a majordisrupter of traditional financial models of delivering financial services. Itis therefore an area of massive focus in the entrepreneurship and businessstart-up space. List a few major applications of fintech in our daily lives andhow there are able to influence the way we live. 2. Therecent development of fintech cellular applications enabling mobile payment hasbeen widely embraced for use in our daily lives. Analysts in the finance andbanking sectors of the economy have predicted that this has signaled the end ofthe traditional wallet, which represents the physical transfer of money. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion and could it mean theend of physical money?
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