电话是上海打来的 HR JJ声音很清晰 会先跟你核对一下姓名 然后说现在我们开始个10-15分钟的电面 因为我觉得反正都是上 也找不到安静的地方 也就索性yes了
1. which position you applied?
2_what do you think is the most challenging part of this position?
3. Do you have banking-related internship experience?
4. why did you choose HK for undergraduate study?
5. what attracts you most in Hong Kong?
6. what is your favorite place in campus?
然后就说this is the end of phone interview 然后问12月1号-5号在哪
大概就是这么个流程 希望对还没接到电面的人准备有所帮助 这年头找工作不容易 大家加油!:tk_05 |