本帖最后由 ritter130 于 2009-11-2 17:49 编辑
笔试之后近两周,没有一面的消息,今天果然收到了Reject Letter。收到据信总比杳无音讯强,所以还是要感谢一下,看来KPMG是海笔但不是海面啊,APT测试还是得练习一阵才有成效啊,而且从此可推断KPMG每一关筛选都是唯成绩论成败的。故此提醒一下,各位英文很牛/证书很多/学历很高的大侠们,接下来KPMG的每一关都得百分百投入的准备一下,每一关的成绩排名决定你能否进入下一轮,不要以为人家会因为你其他的优秀条件而对你放宽条件,否则一关被打死就GAME OVER 根本没有接关的机会。最后,祝大家好运了,祝分子们一帆风顺,分母们早日去别的地方当分子!
Dear Candidate,
Thank you for attending the APT test session recently.
While we are impressed with your qualifications and abilities, we regret that a small number of candidates were a closer match to our specification. We have decided therefore not to proceed further with your application.
Thank you for your interest in KPMG and we wish your every success for the future.
Yours sincerely
Human Resources Dept.
KPMG Qingdao
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