
刚花一上午时间做完了ABInbev的digital interview。总体来说,个人认为面试所提供的准备时间挺充足的。一共八个问题,每个问题有30秒时间读题以及准备,3分钟回答;每个问题有两次回答机会,如果觉得自己第一次回答的欠佳的话,可以在第一次回答结束之后review一下,思考一下改进的地方;第一次回答结束之后等待的时间是不限时的,可以用来好好构思第二次的答案,但第二次录完之后就自动提交了呢。
1. Introduce yourself and why you think you are a good fit for the job? What have you achieved so far?
2. Give a situation you lead a team from very different backgrounds and what have you do?
3. Describe a situation in which you came up with an innovative key strategy or plan for a problem/challenge?
4. What is the biggest problem or challenge you see for the beer industry?
5. Real example of a time when you were assigned to lead a new project in a team, country, or environment you were not familiar with. How did you feel?
Describe the situation, your actions, and the outcome of the situation
6. Describe a situation when you had to act strictly in accordance with a policy/process/role even when it was not convenient for you
7. A real example of a time when you were assigned a very difficult or challenging project, and your team members or supervisor were very tough on you.
8. How ambitious and competitive you are? what's the most ambitious goal that you have ever set for yourself where you had to compete with others to succeed?