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[网申] 2018 Beijing CB Intern —— VI







发表于 2018-1-13 19:47 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
1.8 号做完的VI, 发帖攒人品!!!
稀里糊涂的做完性格测试然后就收到了OT的邮件,先要求你完成logical的,邮件里会发送一个链接可以做practice, 刷了三遍练习再加上论坛上的一些题,Num也是一样,都是要在5天内完成,过了后才会发放VI,没有显示几天内完成,但因为还有论文所以我就一直拖到第四天才做

问题基本上就是以下的11个问题, 但是我这次做的时候遇到了一个不一样的问题,具体问题忘记了,因为当时有点慌, 不过大体上是问怎么为客户提供服务,除了第一个问题3分钟,其余的全是1.30 分钟, 我自己基本上说到1分钟就结束了

1.     Tell us about the project or piece of work from University that are most proud of

2.    What motivates you to collaborate with others

3.    Have you ever had to recover from a major setback?

4.    Imagine you are asked to evaluate a large and complex set of data for your manager, how would you feel about this kind of tasks and how would you plan to work

5.    Why excellent customer service is important to bank

6.    How do you feel when others ask you for advice relating to an important decision.

7.    When was the last time you had to adapt your style of communication for someone in a management role or senior position?

8.    When was the last time you made a big mistake in a piece of work and what did you learn from it?

9.    Imagine it is your first month in your graduate role, who would you seek to build relationships with and how would you do this?

10.  What does working hard mean to you?

11.  Do you have anything else to tell us?


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