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[面试] UK AC Review







发表于 2016-8-18 06:33 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
I just shared all the best information about the UK AC that I found here :)

Pray I pass it!

For my personal experience, just try to be a time keeper and set some structure for your group discussion (for example make a table comparing different options and try to share it to others)

第一次参加AC 完全没有想到会这么顺利的过关,所以决定发帖子问par面攒一下人品:)
时间:1月7号 1:00PM
地点:7 More London
职位:corporate tax

去AC前两天我刚从土耳其回来所以真正准备的时间只有一个下午,所以我做的第一件事是:把2014-2016年所有wikijob和应届生上关于AC的帖子都剪贴粘贴到word里,然后认真读一遍,之后把所以不相关的信息全删掉,只留下group discussion跟report written两部分,然后认真认真的看一遍,第二天早上出门前再读一遍。对于numerical跟logical reasoning test,我在出门前各做了一点例题,练习一下手感。

我到达的时间大概是12:45, 其实已经算晚的了,所以建议提前20-25min去。跟门口等待的两个小哥聊了一会天,我们被manager带进去大堂后发现那里已经有大概6个人了,当天参与AC的一共有12个人,有1个人缺席,所以最后是11个人(加我一共3个中国妹子,一个日本小哥,一个意大利妹子,剩下全部英国人), 但我们申请的position跟location都挺不一样的。

第一轮: report written
我的建议是:结构很重要,完成最重要。随便翻翻册子大概看懂了就请开始写吧,不要看周围人,要对时间有数(比如我旁边的伦敦小哥,看文章看了15min,10min写完,我是不可能做到的)简单写一下introduction后就开始写option1 (pros/cons);option2 (pros/cons);3;4, 之后一定记得写recommendation 跟conclusion!!一定记得写你觉得哪个方式最好,重复一下理由就可以结束了。不用纠结于拼写,但请务必注意一下语法。因为我的feedback里他们提到了我的结构跟语法都不错,但是我记得有一个option其实我写错了理由哈哈哈


numerical:20题20min 有一点难,建议先把同样的图的题目做完再写下面的,我做了13题,也是全部正确
logical: 40题 20min 比较简单,30s一题,不会就过,我大概只做了30-31题,但是全部正确,所以过了

第三轮:group discussion
请记住别人的名字,invite them to join,不要紧张,说错单词或者句子改过来就好了,我错了蛮多次的但是我的feedback仍旧说我逻辑清楚,语言流畅。
记得讨论的时候加上数据做支持,别人说话的时候可以认真听,做一下notes,可以的话可以提一提pwc跟这个公司相近的政策(annual report里有很多)


老实说在我去AC前我比较紧张,但踏进大楼的一瞬间我更多的是开心,每一个参加完AC的小伙伴都表示是一次很不错的体验,所以不要紧张,just enjoy the day ~~~~

PwC的AC大概有15-20个candidate参加,分别来自申请的不同的serviceline(assurance, tax, consulting etc),并且来自不同的program(graduate, intern, placement, etc.) AC中其实你的对手只有你自己,你不需要表现的比你的队友好。PwC采用1-6分计分法,一共有3个tasks,每个task都需要达到至少3分,整个AC才算过关。第一个test是重新做当初的online test里面的numerical和logical,numerical是20分钟20个但是顺序是乱的,比如一个图对应的题目并不是连续的,logical是20分钟40个。LZ参加的第二个test是一个business report,时间太紧了,30分钟完成一本booklet材料阅读并且写满一页A4纸的正反双面,时间灰常紧张。结束以后LZ问身边的其他candidate,有不少都没写完。Topic是关于一个水保护和减少CO2排放的4个proposal,写report最关键的就是structure一定要清晰,并且需要大量的data用来支撑论据(数字就是证据)。最后一个test是group discussion.我的小组里面一共是6个人,就我一个中国人,其余有2个英国人,1个德国人,1个法国人和1个巴基斯塔人。Topic是关于一个Sugar Co的公司来对于很多策划案进行budget管理和未来发展规划的一个case。具体内容就不讲了,需要的小伙伴可以私信LZ(顺便说一句,英国四大的AC千年不换Topic,包括group discussion,report writing和其他,比如PwC貌似5年前就是用这个case,所以可以好好准备哈哈).根据之后的feedback,HR说LZ made good eye contact. I picked up the topic quickly and focusedon numbers. I mentioned the total budget quickly and checked it with my teammembers. I took my initiative to put forward a suggestion to combine options inthe short term and in the long term. I involved quiet people.具体讲下最后一点,由于在每个test间隙,我有很多时间和同一个team的小伙伴交流,所以我可以记住了他们的名字并且大致观察每个人的性格,看看谁比较安静些。事实证明,的确LZ观察到的有两个人在整个group discussion不太说话,LZ就询问他们的意见给他们一些说话的机会。

Hi guys, I just had my PwC AC last week and just found out that I passed :) this thread has been very helpful, so I am just going to share my feedback with you whilst it is fresh in my head.
Numerical/verbal reasoningtests: I only did 11/20 for the numerical and about 27-28/40 for the verbal and just passed these, so don't worry too much if you do not have time to do the majority of them. It is accuracy, after all! I scored 3 out of 6 for both of these (they score you 1 to 6 and 3 is just a pass). Just do not get stuck on one question that you cannot do, move on to the next one to save time.

Group exercise: the negative comment about my performance was that I was addressing only one of the group members all the time, I should have been more inclusive. I was also quiet in general (but they said they thought it was because I was nervous) and did not speak too much but the comments that I did make were all valid and added to the conversation. The praised me for addressing everyone by the name (ver important!!).

Report: they praised me for having a clear introduction and conclusion. Other comments were that I should have added more facts and figures into my options, and I also should have written in full sentences and not bullet points (I have written in bullet points for KPMG though and passed and they did not say anything, so all employers' requirements differ I guess).
That's it from me, good luck everyone and hope that helps!

Hi guys, I just went through anassessment centre(Feb '16 UK office, experienced hire, consultant level) and passed with the highest score, so I thought I should pass on some tips. For me there were two parts, a group exercise (20 mins prep, 40 mins discussion) and a writtencase study(1 hour).
The Group exercise:
There were six of us, we each had the same booklet on a pitch for which country should hold an eco conference, and each of us was assigned a country with unique information on our country. The task was to spend 20 minutes reading through all the information and preparing a case for our country, and then 40 minutes discussing between us which country was best (with the brief to try to push your country). After 20 minutes of discussion, we all received an email which removed the main benefit of our country, making everyone need to slightly adapt their case.
1. During the preparation, try to group your points as much as possible, so that when you feed back to the group, you're not just listing information, you're making a clear conclusion for each piece of information you share (e.g. This country would bring in the most money, which would be highly attractive to investors).
2. You will not be able to share everything, so choose your top two or three points and focus on the case from them.
3. Actively give the quiet people a voice (e.g. "what did your country score for this one?"), a lot of people thought the point of the exercise was to talk the most, however you're scored on whether you bring others into the conversation and consider their points. If you're concise, you won't need to do much talking other than asking other people questions.
4. Summarise. To keep myself in an active position, I would often summarise a person's points, especially if they were struggling to come to a conclusion or communicate clearly. (e.g. "so what you're saying is that country 4 is the best because of it's strong economy").
5. Time keep. Someone once told me, you can pass anyassessment centreif you're the time keeper. Tell people when you're half way through, tell people when you have 10 minutes left, and especially when you only have 5 minutes left.
Case Study:
I was given a story about which company I would recommend should be the sponsor of a festival. I was asked to summarise the case for each, and give a recommendation including risks and mitigations on two sides of a lined A4 page.
1. Make notes. In the first 20 minutes, I summarised the pros and cons for each on draft paper,
2. Plan the structure. I planned the full structure of my essay on draft paper, including writing each subheading, and planning the number of lines I could fit under each.
3. Give yourself half an hour to write it up (paper takes a lot longer than typing!).
4. Be very concise and selective. I used subheadings, and listed the one major pro and con for each of the 4 options (only 1 line each), then gave my recommendation and added more detail on why. I then wrote the risks and mitigations (again very brief due to space, only one or two). And finished with a conclusion. I was worried my essay would be too brief as I left loads of information out, but I got full marks in the end. Many of the others didn't finish in time, or ran out of space.
So overall, be friendly and open, and try to chat to people when they first arrive so you get comfortable with each other. Otherwise keep a close eye on time and stay concise!

从十月底递交online application form以来 一个月里不知不觉已经闯到ac这一关了 上礼拜四的ac经历还记忆犹新 在楼主失落地觉得已经没什么希望的时候 居然收到pwc的电话说我进入par面了
按照楼主的惯例 每过一关都会来应届生分享些经验为下一关攒下人品 因为ac似乎是很多人最担心最没有数的环节 楼主会持续fo这篇帖子两个月 解答我能够解答的疑惑 所以feel free to ask any question哈:)

楼主参加的是12.3日伦敦所的ac 算是早到的那批人 领了可以挂在胸前的名牌 就找机会跟同样在等待的candidate聊天了起来 这个环节看似很随意 但如果你主动engage 和其他candidate混个脸熟 互相叫得出名字 会为接下来的group discussion打下很好的基础 毕竟混个脸熟好说话嘛

我们当天那一场的人特别多 据工作人员说有30个 创了pwc单场历史新高。。。不过好在每个人的名牌上都有不同颜色的标识 人到齐后 大家又被根据名牌颜色分成了三组 好在这整个过程中pwc都是给够了你时间“混脸熟和记名字”的 一定要好好利用起来

楼主所在的那一组的test顺序是 先numerical logical笔试 然后group discussion 最后report written 注意 因为pwc要调度空房间 所以每个组的test顺序是不一样的

1. 笔试
是手填机读卡!不是电脑上做! 现场会有铅笔。numerical 20分钟20道 logical20分钟40道
- 难度:num比online test难很多 整体较难; logical和ot差不多 较简单
- 时间:num时间很紧 楼主没做完 只做了16道 但也过了 所以重点在accuracy!!! 千万不要为了做完乱猜一个答案 这样你很有可能会fail 打个比方 你只做了16道但对了12道 比你20道都做了 但只对了12道 当然是前者正确率大一点 前者分更高 ; logical还好 还是那句话 做不完不要紧 保证做的都做对 (一般来讲num要对12道以上 logical对30以上)

2. Group Discussion
楼主所在的那一组有10个人 在小组讨论阶段又被分成了两组 每组5人
小组讨论的内容pwc是万年不变的 相信做过功课的同学都已经大概知道了 就是一个bio-oil公司要在旗下5个副产品中 选择一个来发展生产 既要满足盈利需求 又要满足公司环保的需求
每个人手里除了一份公司资料之外 还额外有一份自己单独的资料 就是那份副产品的资料 一共有5个副产品 就分给5个人 楼主个人觉得这样的小组讨论设置相当合理 因为可以保证每个人都能说上话 因为我们总得听听每个人手里的副产品的相关信息 才能做最终的决定
- 时间:20min 个人 reading (不能出声)+ 30min discussion
- 讨论流程:楼主所在的小组有一个相当peaceful的开头 有小伙伴和楼主一起共同建议 大家先one-by-one介绍自己手里这份副产品的资料 列出优缺点 cost和payback (放心 数据都不用算 资料里就有)每个人都说完之后 进行对比 用“排除法”进行选择 楼主个人认为这是非常effective的讨论流程 因为在事后有询问其他小组的小伙伴 有跟楼主抱怨说整个过程太乱 经常讨论跑偏之类的事 而楼主的小组在这个流程下全组成员基本没有跑偏的时候 哪怕是话唠印度阿三小哥 嘻嘻
- 中途突发事件: 讨论到一半时 现场工作人员会突然甩出来一份文件说政府grant撤销了 这个时候要马上拿起计算器重新算新的budget 楼主个人认为第一个算出新budget并分享给组员的肯定有加分 (这些数据方面的问题真的都不用担心 相当简单 闭着眼睛都能算 也没有大量的表格)
- 给整个讨论过程的tip:
1)Start speaking immediately.
2)   Maintain eye contact, and knoweveryone by name. (eye contact这种得分点很好拿 一定不要忘记做!!)
3)Don't be nervous! Expressyour brief in a clear, concise manner
4)Elaborate but keep an eye on theclock!
5)Aways refer back to the company'sPURPOSEandTIME
最后要知道你跟组内任何一个人都不是竞争关系 所以遇到别人抢你话说那种 千万不要着急 那种情况下 抢话的人只会被踢出局 因为那是pwc最不愿意看到的 完全没有teamwork精神的人 你要做的就是自信地表达你自己的观点 认真地聆听每一个人的观点 做好记录 并予以回馈 以及主动拉拢一些不说话的沉默的组员 问问他们的意见 我相信这是pwc最喜欢的一种team worker.
3. Report Written
- 时间:30min 看+写
- 内容:13页左右的一份报告 关于政府想鼓励企业节约用水 推行了四种政策 让你来分析四种政策分别的优缺点 最后让你建议哪一种最好 为什么
- 写作结构: 1)introduction; 2) 各个政策的优缺点; 3)recommendation and conclusion
- tip:
1)这一pa内容其实很简单 但就是时间紧 时间太紧了 所以拿到report先粗略看一下 楼主建议不要看超过5min 马上动笔开始写
2)  introduction部分必须要写 很简单 就写你接下来要干嘛 要分析优缺点再最后提建议balabala
3)优缺点分析的部分 最重要的不是内容 是结构 是结构!!! bullet point用起来 小标题用起来 觉得时间富裕的甚至可以尝试做个表格 (是的 楼主就是胆子这么大 做表格了= =hiahia)关于优缺点本身 随便写些东西都能算优缺点 时间紧 楼主当时抓到一啥就写啥 还是过了。。。。。。(不过一定要提到的是cost哈 report中有cost表格的 一看便知)
4)recommendation部分一定要有 没有肯定fail 楼主当时最后这一部分的最后一句话没写完 纸就被收走了 当时就觉得过不了。。。不过最后还是过了 我想原因可能是因为我还是表明了 最后我的建议是哪一个这样了
5)关键词:注意时间 结构完整 (内容childish一点不打紧)
写这么多 人品攒到这个地步可以了吗。。。T v T 楼主作为学渣一枚。。。。在AC各种精英扑面而来的优秀中苟延残喘到最后一轮了 求万能的应届生保佑! 也祝愿所有申请uk pwc的小伙伴们收获好运!

hey guys, i had an AC with PwC on 25th march 2015 and i failed because of the sillydiagrammatic test, i didnt meet the 60% threshold. but i had awesome feedback for the rest so i should help you all. first the report i about the water conservation issue,  

first, write To : Manager whose name is Alex (someone), From : you at PwC
date : whatever, Subject : methods for water conservation.
please write an introduction, the first few lines on the first page or else you will FAIL. then please make a table with 3 headings, option , pros, cons and neatly lay out everything in bullet point format. please do give a conclusion and support is a to why you think its best. i chose reporting [there were four, reporting, cap and trade, tax and one other] you can also choose a combination of methods, please ensure you use the figures presented and mention which has higher startup costs and overall most expensive least expensive scheme etc.

that will get you through, they mark on scale of 1-6 and i got 6 in structure and content and 5 in some other thing she said. T

hen i got really good marks in numerical coz im good with numbers, but that messed uplogical testwith 40q in 20mins messed everything. please keep 30secs per qs and move on if you dont know. they donot measure you against other candiates but against yourself, for example beyond a minimum threshold the performance is a ratio of number of qs attempted to number correct. this doesnot mean you attemot one qs in aims of getting 100%.[which a fellow candiate funnily suggested]. i believe if you attempt more than 12 in numerical and get 8 correct then ur percentage will be 66 but if you attempt 19 and get 10 correct ul get 52 and fail. so donot do any wild guessing.  

then the group discussion was my pinacle of fame as the associates and my fellow candidates were impressed by my input [too bad i didnt make it through pfffttt] basically in my feedback the recruiter said they loved how i made eye contact, spoke professionally, gave insight about PwC values and how they use recycled oil in their tri-generators[annual report 2014] also how i addressed my fellows by name[no biggie as we were warming up when we came and its easier to rembr names when you speak before the AC starts, the lobby is a nice place]  

the individual brief contains your own thing and u must calculate the payback and budget needed and then discuss whch is best. there is a thai grant availabke with certain conditions so ensure that your product meets those conditions when you discuss with your group mates elsewise youll sound dumb.

do also mention how commerical awareness about sustainability issues has lead to common people playing a more active role in supporting sustainable methods/recycling i.e :coke life, starbucks recycled sleeve etccc, midway you will get email from manager saying thai grant hs been cancelled so ensure the budget which will come to 12.8million[70% of 5% profits invested by ceo] can sustain the project you choose. also aprt from hard facts which method seems best intutitively. like we reached conclusion that either compost or soap can be gone ahead with as they fit our budget, however, soap had a longer payback horizon and wouldnt generate profits for 5 years and who would use soap made of recycled palm fibres on their face? the market for the stuff etc? we chose compost also because as people move towards organic produce, they would prefer cows fed with natural feed rather than chemical feed with hormones as they show up in the milk we drink, the beef we eat etc. hope this helps, to bad i couldnt make it through [fuming!] but hope you all do :) best of luck. PM me if anything else is needed on my behalf, happy to help!

For the group exercise in the first 20 minutes make notes on your company...the pros and cons.. calculations of the cost of setting it up and payback period and the profit you are going to make within the 10 years after payback has achieved...look at the government initiatives and their terms and conditions..and also calculate it if it meets the budget
After 20 mins you start to discuss...this is 30 mins exercise.
Try to start of the discussion, as that is seen as positive and strength and will get noted...and ask to take care of the time management or how to go about discussing the opinions. Moreover, look at each person speaking, remember their names, and note down their options.
Then make the decision of which company you will take on and 10 minutes before time finishes, they will tell you the budget has either been slashed or the government is not offering the rebate...so calculate the new budget and inform the rest of the people of the new budget...and if your decision differs to your original one...then it does!!!
Our first task was written report. This was to be completed by 30 minutes.
The most difficult aspect of this task was it was very time constraints. However my advice is to read the information for 10 mins and start writing immediately. The written exercise was about ways to encourage businesses to conserve water. There are 4 options such as Cap and Trade, Taxation, Reporting and Subsidies. Here you would need to discuss each option and their pros and cons.
In this task it is really important that you lay out the structure of your report. I structured mine in the following way
Executive Summary
Option 1
Option 2
Dont worry if you cant finish the report buy make sure at least you do your executive summary and conclusion and also mention which method you think they should adopt and your reasoning
After the written report we were formed into groups for the group task andpsychometric tests. I had my group exercise first.
Overall I enjoyed my group task. My advice here is to make eye contact through out the task and address each member by name.
During the group task you would be given a booklet with informations on how the company can improve their image and adopt different strategies to be more environmental friendly.
Then you would also have a separate candidate brief. You must read the candidate brief as you will have to present this to the rest of the group.
Overall in this task you will be given 20 mins to read and 30 mins to discuss each options and decide which option to choose.
For mine I was give bio waste and as a group we decided on option 1 which was compost. You have to take into account costs and profits. You would need to do some simple calculations of the budget of the company and grant received. Make sure during the task you show that you have done your calculations and tally them with other members. This would show them that you are contributing towards the task.
After 20 mins you would receive an email from your manager that the grant is not available. Make sure you communicate this with the rest of your team.
Finally I had my psychometric test. Again this was very time pressured. You would have 20 mins for each numerical and logical tests. There are 20 numerical questions and 40logical test.
I found thenumerical testa bit harder than theonline testsitself. My advice is to practice as much as possible and not to guess any answers. Only answer those you are 100% confident on. Same goes withlogical test.

assessment centre

然后就是ac啦!我觉得大家能选大城市就选大城市,比如伦敦啊,伯明翰啊,因为参加的人比较international, 我就会比较放松。

我们当时是先写written report,因为我第二次做了,而且有在网上看了很多structure,我是直接拿起来就开始写的,我建议大家多在网上看看。
就是万年不变的water conservative的题目,最好把introduction准备好,然后再在booklet里面找资料去support每个option.

然后我就先做的numerical and logical test

然后就是group exercise
这个最重要啦,我第一次就是太紧张,然后完全不知道我们是在干嘛,就一直在想我接下来要说什么说什么,没有active listening,被刷掉也很正常。
我两次都是遇到的oil company就是他们要保护环境,把他们的by product利用得更高效。
每个人都有共有的booklet,告诉你公司背景, budget啊什么的,还有自己独立的proposal需要跟全组人分享的,大家决定最后选哪一个。

我们组当时是每个人都很活跃,时间一到就大家都想争着说第一句的感觉,然后我就没去抢,他们就说大家share 我们自己的option先
还有就是如果你们组有哪个人的proposal你觉得特别好,千万别吝啬赞赏他,不是一定要选你自己的proposal的,你赞赏别人也是group work里面很重要的一点。
然后大家都知道讨论快结束的5到10分钟hr就会给你们breaking news, budget被cut了,有些proposal就自动不行了,然后一般那些proposal的人都会自动说,如果他们没有,你可以指出来,这也是显示你推动讨论的一点。


Assessment Centre: 在PwC的More London Office进行,外面就是伦敦塔桥。当天是先跟其他candidates聊天,然后assessor把我们分组,我们组有5个人,两个英国人,一个西班牙人,一个欧洲另外个国家的(忘了...)。PwC的评判标准是在所有的assessment都要达到一个分数线,好像是1-6的scale。我们首先进行group exercise,某客户想利用生产过程中的by-product,达到经济/社会/和媒体效益,20分钟独自阅读材料,30分钟讨论出一个最佳方案,房间里有2个assessor坐在角落对你打分,我们组很快的顺利的讨论完,没有dominator,一片和谐;然后是written exercise,30分钟来阅读一个材料加写report,时间特别紧,根本没写完,但是整个structure先放上去了;最后是纸质的numerical和logical test,各20分钟,numerical 1分钟1题,logical 30秒一题,有3-4个没做完,但最后还是过标准线了。最后整个房间大家都说累的不行,带我们整个下午的英国帅大叔James陪我们聊天,并分享了他的工作心得。之后又去一楼跟其他刚入职的graduates聊天social, PwC还是真心很舍得花精力让人感到welcome。第二天James打电话过来通知我过了。
Senior Interview: 最后一轮就是par面了。幸运的在圣诞假前得到了一个面试slot,当天是一个穿着Christmas Jumper的可爱的英国人在面我,没有问我任何business question,而是按照他的list对我进行competency question的狂轰乱炸,有很多例子都是现场组织语言来说的,还问了很多关于assurance的意义和过程以及对PwC的了解。面了一个小时左右,最后走出来眼前是塔桥的风景,心想终于完整的走完了。

圣诞节的面试等到了新年才得到了结果,公司打电话来说,面试官觉得我当时很紧张,但是came off as quite professional,最后给了我offer。


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发表于 2016-9-4 22:53 |显示全部楼层
rachelseven7 发表于 2016-8-24 11:40

OK :)

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rachelseven7 发表于 2016-8-24 11:40

OK :)

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