时间:08.12.20 11:35-12:35 地点:外滩中心5F 题型:2 部分 (english logic test + english writing)
1,(9781+9782+9783+....+9789)/9=? 计算类
2,TDW is above DKE,WOI is under DKE,then what's the letter diagnoally?
The word MANAGERY is a ( ) ?
A,state B country C,animal D, object 字母类
3, 给你8个三角形,让你选第9个是什么 图形类
4,写一段颇严肃的话,比如人类克隆。。。。。然后问以下哪种情况/话绝不可能/最有可能 逻辑类
1,a bunch of boxes are sent to 12 distribution centres,a kind of color or a pair of colors are used to label these boxes(assume the order of colors doesn't matter),so what's the minimal number of colors needed? state your reasons
2,write a short report based on the following paragraph:
The closing of one of the subsidiaries in China has cost us over one million dollars,together with all the expenses_Our income this year has decreased over 5% due to the decrease in prices,as a direct result of the fierce price competition in the market_The cost increased a lot ,being heavily affected by the inflation,the cost structure isn't very satisfactory_Our net profit suffered a loss of 10% this fiscal year.
ps笔试根本没必要穿正装,笔试前大家都说一定是性格测试,但是joker打电话给hr时,hr很坚定的说不是性格测试 。。。。 |