应届生求职招聘论坛 消费品/化妆品/食品/餐饮/烟草类公司 宝洁 Successful story in P&G PS-From PS Director Michae ...
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[综合经验] Successful story in P&G PS-From PS Director Michael Carpano [!copy_link!]

发表于 2011-10-1 11:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 PG_PS 于 2011-10-1 11:57 编辑

  I have joined the company in ’95 in Europe after I finished my studies of electrical engineering at the University of Aachen, in Germany.

  My first contact to P&G was on a recruiting fair, and I have been very impressed by the people and the professional manner they did the recruiting.Before I even accepted the job offer, I got invited to meet my future boss and teammates. The way P&G took care about me, the people I met during this time and the way I have seen them working, made me decide to join the company.

  During my first 2 assignments I have worked as technical engineer and have been leading the design work for a global project. As young engineer, this was extremely rewarding and reflected the way P&G invests in their people.Soon after, I got the chance to change my career path towards Program management work. I have lead different initiatives (Global and regional) as Program manger and have lead multifunctional teams during this time_Cause P&G is a global company, I got in contact with people around the world, and my friends are spread around the globe.

  One of the things I like most on P&G is the principle of educating and promoting from within. This means for me, that during my time with P&G I have been educated on Business, Marketing, Finance and Consumer understanding. These are the same things that get taught during an MBA and are recognized equally in the industry. Today I am an Associate Director in Product Supply and have responsibility for a whole discipline (about 60 Managers).

  And the company continues to find new challenges and opportunities for me: Since three years I am in China on an international expat assignment. I am the leader ofthe innovation program across all P&G brands for China and I am reporting to the China President of P&G. My job is very business focused and very exciting.

  I am a dual career guy, that means my wife is also working in P&G. The company helps us and is extremely flexible and supportive for our situation. Flexible work arrangements help us to mange work and our private life much better than most of my friends can.


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发表于 2011-10-2 11:13 |只看该作者
chenlalala 发表于 2011-10-1 12:42



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发表于 2011-10-3 11:07 |只看该作者
chenlalala 发表于 2011-10-2 12:37


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发表于 2011-10-3 11:08 |只看该作者
坚持up 发表于 2011-10-3 10:23


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发表于 2011-10-4 11:22 |只看该作者
坚持up 发表于 2011-10-3 16:38
哦哦。原来德国总监只有37、8啊  看来我猜错了。老外的年纪不能用中国人的眼光来猜啊
我也是按他女 ...


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发表于 2011-10-5 11:03 |只看该作者
坚持up 发表于 2011-10-4 12:57
你如果有机会告诉总监的话,估计他要乐呵一阵了,然后问你:我有那么老吗?  哈哈


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