应届生求职招聘论坛 计算机软件类公司 微软(Microsoft) 旧帖存档区 微软全球技术支持中心(CSS)春季校招!
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[综合] 微软全球技术支持中心(CSS)春季校招!

发表于 2011-3-18 17:05 |显示全部楼层
[size=13_5pt]微软全球技术中心面向2011[size=13_5pt]届的应届生大规模招聘技术支持工程师职位,请感兴趣的同学以“姓名+[size=13_5pt]学校+[size=13_5pt]应聘职位”为标题将简历发送到joinms@microsoft_com .

软亚太区全球技术支持中心(APGC CSS)是微软为个人用户、开发者、IT 专业人员到合作伙伴和企业级合作伙伴提供全方位、多元化的服务和技术支持的部门, 目前拥有覆盖亚洲各地区的专业技术组织工程师八百余人。一个优秀的技术支持工程师应该具备如下基本素质:技术精尖、耐心细致、善于交流、并善于释放压力、善于应对客户提出的紧危情况、不断充电以保持技术不断更新;而一个专家级工程师需要有开发方面的能力去发现我们产品源代码中的漏洞并且反映给微软的产品组;另外由于这些专家级工程师们还需要面对客户甚至与客户一起工作,因此公司还要求他们具备有效的客户沟通能力和应变能力,能够借助各种资源,在工作中追求精益求精。我们真诚地欢迎对微软相关技术感兴趣并拥有创新精神的您加入我们,成为微软的一员!

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Inspiring Our Customers.

Imagine helping people discover the right technology to make their lives easier, richer, and more rewarding. It's an exhilarating experience—one you can have every day when you're in a Technical Consulting or Services position at Microsoft. We depend on thousands of highly talented people like you to keep our business growing in the more than 100 countries we serve. Associate Consultants, Technical Account Managers, Strategic thinkers, product visionaries, extroverts, and road warriors are just some of the incredible people we seek to keep us number one in the world. Are you one of them?

This is where the journey begins by using MS advanced technology to help every customer fully realize their potential through accelerated adoption and productive use of Microsoft products. You will build strong relationships with MS customers and hear the Voice of Customer on the front line.

You will represent Microsoft and communicate with corporate customers via telephone, written correspondence, or electronic service in regard to finding solutions for technically complex problems identified in Microsoft software products. Solve highly complex level of problems, involving broad, in-depth product knowledge or in-depth product specialty; may include support of additional product line

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发表于 2011-3-21 14:08 |显示全部楼层
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