发信人: [a href="http://bbs_nju_edu_cn/vd92777/bbsqry?userid=PGCampus"]PGCampus[/a]) (P&G Campus Recruitment 2006-200), 信区: JobAndWork 标 题: P&G宝洁校园招聘 部门介绍 市场部 发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Sun Sep 17 15:20:13 2006)
Have you ever imagined managing an international leading brand? Are you prepar ed to take challenges and make your work creative and exciting?
Mission P&G Marketing is a global community of the world's best Brand Builders and Bus iness Leaders. We are dedicated to growing Brand and Category share leadership , and to empower our succeeding generations to do the same. In short, we are p assionate about building Brands that last forever. Join the winning team of P&G Marketing! The job is frequently glamorous and hi ghly strategic. This is the place where global leading brands are being built and promoted, and this is where you will undergo the transformation from a fre sh graduate to global leader.
Marketing Core Skills • General Business Leadership – create and deliver winning business st rategies based on superior understanding of the consumer, customer and competi tive environment. • Marketing Functional Mastery – Create consumer / shopper / influence r-inspired marketing strategies, and develop / execute superior, efficient mar keting plans. • Organizational Leadership / Leveraging – Collaborate with, influence and lead direct reports, teams /peers, and the broader organization to deliver business and marketing objectives.
Professional career development opportunities in MKT
Assistant Brand Manager Develops skills in brand strategy and marketing plan development, advertising, Public Relations, consumer bonding, direct marketing and project management.
Brand Manager Takes the full responsibility for volume and profit of a brand, and leads a br and group to develop and deploy the brand strategy and plans in all aspects.
Associate Marketing Director / Marketing Director Takes tremendous responsibilities in one or more categories.
Our Marketers will also find career choices that focus on Marketing Expertise – e.g. advertising development, media, corporate marketing, knowledge creatio n & integration, etc. Eventually your superior leadership and great achievemen t can take you to broader responsibilities as a General Manager and you can be in charge of the organization to manage national or even global P&G businesse s!