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[面试] 2010面经







发表于 2011-1-12 22:39 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览

2010.10.14 电面

Self introduction.
Internship. What did you do? Some specific questions.
How long did you stay in London?
Shanghai and London are both big cities, so compare the two cities.


面试:case: client has 4 products: A,B,C,D. A is targeted with young professionals who spend a lot of time on internet. Sales: A>B>C>D, gross margin: A>B>C>D. Sales of A and B are declining, C and D are increasing. B is took place by D.
Main competitor C1 is taking initiative in e-banking system. C1 and C2 market shares are increasing, client’s market share is decling.
Trend: people employed will be at the highest in the coming 5 years, the rate of people moving from rural ares to urban is constant.

Two questions: why sales decline? How to improve annual growth rate?
Strategies for each product? How to analysis the fact that rate of people moving from rural ares to urban is constant?
Why Opera?
What makes you a good candidate?
Why come back to China?
What do you think is the work as an analyst in Opera?
What statistic packages do you use?
Eg of leaderships.
What are you currently doing?
Your ranking at school?

12.2 Final

Case1: the minimum number of people that the probability of finding a person born on the same day with you is 0.5? Guess the number? Whether it’s more or less than 180?
Case2: your client is operating retirement homes in US. It’s considering start a retirement home in Chicago but concerning about the profitability. Give your solution.
Case3: your client is a US TV broadcast operator who wants to bid for the right to broadcast 2016 Olympic Games. Calculate the bid. Its revenues come from ad, given the ad revenue per 30 sec in prime time and non-prime time, also the days of Olympic. Tangible costs are given and time value &opportunity costs need to be considered.
Interview1: what’s the difference between UK and China education? Why opera? How do you get this imformation? Why not banks? Estimate the volume of people in subways in Shanghai everyday.

Interview2: what did you learn in Financial Econometrics? Details about event study. Financial risk analysis? Your dissertation? Which statistics package did you use? What did you use E-Views for? Why not stay in London? Internship? Explain case3?
这个gg很帅,挺和蔼的,我在case 3 第一步就算错了,他还笑眯眯地等着我重新算
Interview3: Why opera? What makes you a good candidate? Explain case1? Any experience of modelling or dealing with data? details about Internship?

这三个人加上上次pre-talk那个,都问到了会不会建模编程,有哪些编程的经历,让我举例。可惜本姑娘是个连excel VBA都整不清的人,所以坦率地说,他们没有给我offer,可能确实我不能胜任,姐淡定了。

Hope the info will help, and good luck to everyone.


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