想起回国前在英国买个一本关于性格测试分析的面试咨询书的提示有几点对我们做德勤的性格测试非常有帮助。虽然德勤官方的说法是be yourself,很多面试咨询人员也说这类题目一般是just be yourself,但是要是因为没有理解选项背后隐含的意思,误选了自己的决定,等于是没有在测试中把自己的性格是否合适做这份职业显示出来,测试也就没有达到该有的效果。对于雇佣双方来说都是一个损失。
Your personality profile has to make sense.
Imagine that your personality is a puzzle with many pieces_Similar to a puzzle,some pieces will match other pieces and some won't. In the end,though, all the pieces fit together to form a picture.
Let's imagine that dominance is an important piece in your personality puzzle. Dominance usually co-occurs related traits such as 'social confidence'.That is, dominant people tend to feel socially confident_Dominance also oftern co-occurs with 'directness',(speaking your mind). On the other hand, dominance generally doesn't co-occur with traits like 'shyness' or 'social anxiety'.
To give another example, two personality traits that are commonly assesed in personality tests are consulting and team playing. Consulting is the extent to which a person tends to consult with other people when making decisions and team playing is the extent to which a person enjoys working in a team_It's hard to imagine someone who's a team player making decisions alone and failling to consult with colleagues.
Summary Table: Which Traits usally go Together?
Sales and Negotiation skills | dominance, ambition, social energy, social comfort | Dominance and Leadership skills | ambition,sales and negotiation skills, directness,creativity, low apprehension | Directness | dominance,individualism, social energy, low humbleness | Individualism | directness, low rule following | Social energy | social comfort, social energy, low humbleness, directness, sales skills | Critical thinking | intellectualism,dominance,directness,creativity | insight into people | empathy, intellectualism,consulting skills | Conservativeness | low aversion to routine, low creativity | planning skills | ambition, critical thinking | adaptability | ambition, critical thinking. |
希望对1月19日和1月20日做德勤PAC onlinetest的朋友们,有一点小帮助吧。
Anyway, be yourself ,be Deloitte!
p.s.:我申请的是SH Audit (oversea). |