这个是我向我的一个朋友要来借鉴的,觉得写的太好,又看到KP论坛上有人转一个MM的毕马威网申答案,所以在这里未经朋友同意就发上来了^_^ 大家要支持我啊~
I'd like to suggest China Southern Power Grid as PwC's potential client.
First, as a behemoth in public services, it bears a huge accounting system that needs large-scale audit service provided by professional firms like PwC.
Next, its long-due IPO plan is well developed and ready to be launched after current financial crisis, which will definitely benefit from PwC's expertise in IPO of industrial field.
Furthermore, the unclear ownership of power facilities has haunted CSG for years and calls for an urgent solution that PwC, with the largest and strongest audit team, is able to deliver to clear the main obstacle on its way to go public.
Last but not least, by taking on client like CSG, PwC will not only promote its public image, but also gain ground in the lucrative power supply industry, paving road for possible business with National Power Grid.
Therefore, it would be a win-win if PwC could serve CSG in the future.
重要更新:我刚把未经他同意就把他的答案发到网上这件事告诉了我的朋友,他不太高兴,说是因为如果有人照抄,雷同答案太多的话,他自己的申请也会被一同当作抄袭答案的…… 但是看到这篇答案帮助了很多人,如果现在我删除帖子的话又不太好…… 所以看在这篇答案给予了大家很大帮助的份上,拜托各位自己的回答千万不要照搬或者雷同,否则如果我的朋友过不了网申关的话,我的罪过可就大了…… 算大家可怜可怜我吧…… 谢谢……
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