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[网申] PWC 2010校园招聘最新OQ







发表于 2009-9-18 22:18 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 shadow影 于 2009-9-19 09:30 编辑

PWC 2010 的招聘已经开始了~貌似应届生没啥动静~
而且看了一下, 09的OQ与10的完全不同滴~所以贴上来~方便大家提前准备~

This section has been designed to help us evaluate you as an individual and differentiate you from other candidates. Please answer each of the following questions within maximum characters.

1. PwC aims at maintaining high standard of professionalism. Please provide details of a situation and the outcome that you were engaged in a task/ assignment that you took different approach or had different opinion from that of other people (any levels) involved. Please share how you reacted to the situation and the rationale of your reaction.

Your answer should not be more than 2000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).

2. We are running our business in a rapidly changing environment. Describe an experience that you were learning or working in a new environment or adopting a new approach/ methodology to learn or work. Please share specifically what was the experience, the challenges came across and the way you dealt with the issues, and the overall outcome. Furthermore, elaborate what you will do differently if you face similar challenges again in the future.

Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).

3. PwC offers services to diverse types of clients. If you were to join PwC, which industry/ business sector/ of clients or in particular a specific client would be interested to you? What services do you think PwC would be providing to enhance the clients’ success? Please note the industry or client you name does not have to be in current PwC client portfolio.

Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).



3) Business and Client Service

Please provide us with your understanding of the services offered by the firm and in particular, the work undertaken in your chosen line of service.
PwC is passionate about providing our clients with exceptional services that contribute to their business success.

From a business perspective, if you were to join PwC, which organisation would be your ideal client and what services do you think PwC would be providing to enhance the organisation's continued business success? Please note the organisation does not have to be a current client of PwC.


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发表于 2009-10-18 10:33 |显示全部楼层
6# mumu7656

是字母+空格 NO MORE THAN 2000

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