本帖最后由 Jeremy880923 于 2021-11-27 20:41 编辑
我做的是SG 20200 Summer IBD 崗位
題庫用的是mapTQ , 分為Numerical 和 Logical ,結束後會有report
1. Numerical
總共35道題,15分鐘給你7張圖表問 Ture / False / Cannot say 這邊需要注意速度和對圖熟悉
我自己答的不太好 ,答題狀況: 27 /35
Report feedback:
Your processingstyle can be characterised as follows:
Yourcompletion of the test was extremely fast, this means that you havecompleted more tasks in the default time than most other participants. At thesame time you were quite accurate which means that youanswered approximately as many tasks correct as most other participants.
2. Logical 沒有題數,做越多越好,總共6分鐘,左邊給兩個圖案,從右邊4個圖中找出和左邊兩個規律相同的,我自己的方法是數圖案數目( 有圓形 三角形 正方形等),不會得可以按skip 那題就是放棄了
我skip1題,答題狀況: 22 /23 Report feedback:
Your processingstyle can be characterised as follows:
Yourcompletion of the test was quite fast, this means that youcompleted approximately as many tasks as most other participants. At the sametime you were extremely accurate which means that compared toother participants, you answered more items correctly.