回馈论坛,攒人品,感觉做得不太行。总共3部分,做下来时间大概40分钟 第一部分:4道题,10分钟 均为计算题,背景大概是市场传言一个tech公司可能会收到一个公司A的takeover offer,但是此前另一个公司B也说要买它,但是没成因为觉得价格不够高,然后随着A的加入B可能也会重新进场,并可能引发一场bidding war。一篇新闻,一个数据Excel sheet,一封同事的邮件说这是她发给你数据(没什么用)。 前三道偏计算,以下哪个选项一定是对的之类的,第四道是sjt
第二部分:4道题 【准备时间/回答时间】 1. 【1min?30s?/2mins】What would your family and friend describe as your top strenght(据说不记分,只是让熟悉VI的感觉) 2. 【1/3】An overview of how you believe you can add values to your client (not looking for technical expertise, just what you think makes a great relationship between a bannk and a client and how will you deliver that) 3. 【无/10】一个同事让你给他发给客户的conclusion邮件提修改意见,写下来 4. 【1/3】一个senior同事让你改ppt,视频回答
第三部分:4道题 1. 【1/3】Why financial service? Why Barclays? 2. 【1/3】Why do you think you are well suited for the program/business area you applied for? 3. 【1/3】What do you think are the current challenges facing the business you applied for? 4. 【1/3】类似于add comments,具体怎么说忘记了
哇哦,正在码字收到邮件让upload CV,距离完成VI正好一周。请问下upload CV是每个人都会收到吗?是不是upload也不一定能去AC哈哈哈哈哈?借自己的帖发问,谢谢各位~好运连连