申请的是UK地区的corporate center 里的chief operation office 按照论坛里去年的帖子准备了一下结果问题完全不一样
1. Your understanding about the role you are applying for?
2. Think of a time when you received a difficult feedback. What was the situation like? How did you react to it?
3. How would your colleague/teammate talk about your collaboration style?
4. Situation when you explain sth. complicated to someone with limited knowledge.
5. Think of a time when you worked really hard. What aspects motivated you? What were the elements that de-motivated you? What was the result? How do you measure success?
6. A recent news, why do you think it's important, how do you think it will develop?
7. Why do you think you are a good fit for this position?
1.没录下来 当时感觉和第一个问题有些相似就没注意 基本按照第一个问题的思路回答的 后面开始发现不对才开始记录
2. What do you understand a COO to be? Describe a role of COO.
3. What do you think are challenges faced by UBS IB?
4. Think of a time when you had several competing projects. What was the prioritize? What did you do? What did you base on to prioritize them? what did u learn from the experience?(这个以前有)
5. Tell me about a situation when you initiate a new or better way of doing things. what did u suggest? which ideas did u put into places? outcome?
6. Work wizout any guidance. decisions made. how to cope. feedback
7. What was your most significant contribution to your team or the firm in the last year? what did and what made your performance outstanding?