昨天刚刚做完的Hirevue 说的时候因为屏幕在右下角,所以很习惯一开始都看着右下角,后来才发现 所以才看镜头。。。大家一定要注意~
1. Introduce yourself and why interested in BOA.
2. Which one of your key accomplishments best illustrates your personal initiative and willingness to push beyond what is required? 3. How to deal with multi-task? [size=14.6667px]4. Tell us about a time that you were given a project or task and you are the expert. How did you approach this situation? 5. [size=14.6667px]Describe a situation in which you were required to make an important decision, based upon little information or data. What approach did you take in this situation? How did that approach help you achieve your goal? [size=14.6667px]