昨天下午(文案其实是13号写的所以是周五收到的ot,传题库传了一夜。。。校园网你们懂的,所以只能今天早上才发出来)收到德勤的ot邀请,今天下午做完提交了。要求是两天做完,不过LZ网申完就开始刷ot了,所以题目基本都快背下来了(笑哭),于是用了一天时间再复习一遍就去做了。ot基本情况这里就不说啦,跟往年的一样,对了,题库什么的跟去年秋招的是一样的哦,我做到的verbal和numerical各有一道新题,其他都是原题~verbal的新题是关于安慰剂的,我感觉那个好像错了一道,反正有点纠结 不过因为verbal翻译的问题,看到原题其实也不确定答案是什么。。所以刷题的时候一定别被答案影响,不要先入为主,自己独立思考,有自己的判断,或者跟同学讨论讨论。我觉得最难的可能就是verbal了吧,主要是模棱两可,有自己的判断最重要。对于numerical,大部分还是比较容易的,个别翻译的问题可能没有正确答案,但是记住,凑出选项是重要的,或者有近似的也行,差的太多就不太靠谱了。这里建议之前还是要多刷题,把那些题干有问题的题目先做一遍,讨论一下正确解法。还有一些其实不难的题,但是计算很繁琐的,建议提前做完就把答案背住,做到原题出现的时候能做到秒选,毕竟ot的时间还是很重要的,还得留时间去做新题。对于logical,个人认为最简单,LZ遇到的全是旧题,刷题刷题刷题,有些规律可能不是那么强,注意有时不是所有图形都符合规律的,要选那个最正确的,即规律最强的,我觉得这部分问题不大。对于英语测试,建议提前写好,或者有个提纲什么的,LZ英语不怎么样,打字也慢 所以就提前找点资料看看,要写哪些点,这样写的时候不至于脑子没货,不过对于英语好的小伙伴应该是没问题啦,注意别有语法错误。剩下的就是问卷和性格测试了,都根据自己实际情况填写就ok,注意前后一致,be yourself~
链接:https://pan_ba**du_com/s/10VKfFj ... YaaWZw
Artificial Intelligence(人工智能) file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002_jpg file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004_jpg file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image006_jpg Artificial intelligence is the development of computersystems to perform tasks, usually or previously requiring human intelligence_Some concerns have been raised as to where this development is leading us whenconsidering the noticeable effects on employment in certain categories of work_What are currently its main applications as it affects our daily lives and howis it influencing the way we live now and in the near future? This is a type of “deep learning” that allows machines to processinformation for themselves on a very sophisticated level, allowing them toperform complex functions like facial recognition. Big data is speeding up theAI development process, and now there are some examples that AI is widely usedin our daily life. First, it can be used for ride sharing Apps like Uber. With the help of AI, we candetermine the price of your ride by computing optimal pickup locations, as wellas for fraud detection. Second, your regular, everyday financial transactions are also heavily reliant on AI andmachine learning. It decreases mistakes and risks by using facial recognitionor other AI technologies. Also,it will contribute to provide some financialdecisions automatically by computing your daily trading data. Third, it can be a robot to improve elder care. By using the AI, the robot could helpseniors with everyday tasks and allow them to stay independent and in theirhomes for as long as possible, which improves their overall well-being. In the short term, there are concerns that clever machines capable ofundertaking tasks done by humans until now will swiftly destroy millions ofjobs. The AI is programmed to do something beneficial, but it develops adestructive method for achieving its goal. What’s worse, if we cannot catch upwith the speed of AI’s learning, it is possible that we will lose our controlof AI and even being controlled by the super machine made by ourselves. But I am less gloomy about AI's prospects. First the machines will do alot of jobs for us and help us to solve dangerous things_That should bepositive if we manage it well. Secondly, if we fear to be surpassed and onlywant to be easy in present circumstances, that would be a great mistake formissing the opportunity to develop. I do believe that we should control thedevelopment of AI by directing it to the positive force. This not only allowsthe public to trust it more, but also helps its human counterparts to advancetheir fields of study. The hype over recent successes like Alpha Go, the firstAI to beat a professional player of Go, might have us believe that we are onthe cusp of an AI revolution, but in reality, we are still a long way from it_So, don’t stop it. Fintech file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image008_jpg file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image010_jpg file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image012_jpg file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image014_jpg Financial technology or fintech as it is commonly known,describes new technology innovations and applications in the finance sector,and is said to be a major disrupter of traditional financial models ofdelivering financial services. It is therefore an are of massive focus in theentrepreneurship and business start-upspace. List a few major applications offintech in our daily lives and how there are able to influence the way we live. When it comes to fintech, it occurs to me ApplePay and Alipay. FinTech is setto have a lasting impact on how consumers pay for goods and services. Slowly, we are movingaway from traditional banking transactions utilizing cash or credit cards,opting instead for smart devices and contactless transactions. It is popularand convenient to use mobile payment when we go shopping without taking cash_Also, people are encouraged to put their money in the financial online platform by giving higherinterest rate than traditional bank. From the perspective of company, the flow of capital will be more transparent and it ispossible to control the financialrisk by monitoring business flow, material flow, and information flowaccording to the fintech. Some small enterprises could borrow money online more quickly andflexible, instead asking underground or gray-market lenders for help. Dependingon the online trade credit of small enterprises, it is possible to borrow moneywithout collateral. Food safety file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image016_jpg file:///C:/Users/Asus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image018_jpg In China, a number of large scale food safety scandalsarising from food contamination or deliberate addition of carcinogenic dyes orother dangerous non-food additives have made the public fearful of locallyproduced foodstuffs_This has resulted in a growing distrust of domestic foodproducts. It has also increased public preference for foods imported fromoverseas food producers who are regarded as models of food safety, to thedetriment of local agriculture and the local food industry. To what extent doyou agree or disagree with this opinion? Addressing food safety concerns can be seen part and parcel of China'sneeded transition toward a consumer-oriented economy. Boosting consumerconfidence is an essential piece of that puzzle for China—and by extension, afactor for global economic stability. There is no denying that numerous people prefer to purchase overseas foodlike milk or other bio food. It is because many people distrust domestic fooddue to some additional harmful chemical, which was exposed in public. From mypoint of view, I would like to give our local food companies one more chance_The reason is that with the development of our technology, the detection and policyabout food safety will be taken seriously_That will decrease the probability ofproducing unhealthy food. Second, it will be more convenient to buy some foodlike vegetables,which are fresher than delivering from foreign countries. Last but not least,it should be allowed to have moretime for companies and our market system to change what we focus on bychoosing trustworthy companies, paying more attention to the health and safety_Without the support of customers, there is no way to improve the development oflocal food industry. Nuclear power The process of nuclear power generation releasesrelatively low amounts of the compounds found in greenhouse gases in comparisonwith power generated from other energy resources, particularly coal and oil. Italso has a larger power generating capacity relative to the materials consumed_Nuclear power is therefore an ideal source of power. To what extent do youagree or disagree with this opinion? In the era of energy scarcity, diverse sources of energy are required tomeet the growing need of the modern technology society. In addition totraditional fossil fuels, alternative energy resources such as nuclear andsolar energy have been explored and developed. Nuclear power gains support for some reasons and the most obvious one is its high efficiency_It is said that a single nuclear plant can generate several times as much poweras coal or natural gas. The second upside of this energy is the lower emission of carbon dioxidethan fossil fuels during the production. This clean energy power means significantlynowadays when global warming is threatening the survival of human being_Additionally the technology of nuclear power generation is relatively maturecompared with solar and this availability reduces its investment in technologydevelopment in nuclear plant construction and operation. However, it is the dangers of utilizing nuclear power that arouses thepublic disapproval. Nuclear leak accidents and waste pollution were reported insome countries, evoking worldwide concern about its security issues like radiation and itsnegative influence on the environment. Nuclear power is not a sustainableenergy because uranium, the source of nuclear power, is not renewable and thereserve is very limited on the earth. Based on the above analysis of the pros and cons of nuclear power, nuclearpower is one but not the best source of power to meet the demand for energy andother energy resources should be explored as well. As a result of the regulatory measures imposed on ageingnuclear plants by governments, owing to the risk to the population in the eventof a nuclear accident, they are often required to retire them earlier thantheir designed lifespan. However, as nuclear plants provide carbon-free energy,the premature' shutdowns often result in adverse effects on climate change, asthey are replaced by coal or oil energy sources_You are required to proposesolutions to this dilemma. Nowadays nuclear plants have now undertaken and essentially completedcomprehensive safety reassessments and many have introduced additional safetymeasures including mitigation of station blackout. But it noted that long-termoperation and ageing nuclear power plants remains an on-going challenge forregulators, operators and utilities. First, we need to seta standard for judging the ageing nuclear plants. (不想写了,幸亏没考到) Global warming While the greenhouse effect is an essential environmental prerequisite forlife on earth, there really can be too much of a good thing. The problems beginwhen human activities distort and accelerate the natural process by creatingmore greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than are necessary to warm the planetto an ideal temperature. To my point of view, it is necessary to decrease the emissions ofgreenhouse gas and I agree that we need to consider about deliberately slow theeconomic growth to make a healthier development. From the perspective of companies, using less electricity, driving a hybrid, buying recycledand organic products would be the incremental solutions we keep hearingabout. Also, building a good corporate image and reputation by reducing the carbonemissions has contributed to attract more consumers. From the perspectiveof government, on the one hand, they should publish effective policies to control the pollutionand punish the illegal emissions_Global warming is making people get very badillnesses that could make them disabled,very sick, and sometimes even die. So,on the other hand government is ought to protect our citizens by making somemeasures about health care. For individuals, we are allowed to do our part to reduce waste by choosing reusable productsinstead of disposables_Buying products with minimal packaging will help toreduce waste. Second, lessdriving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking andbiking are great forms of exercise. Explore our community mass transit system,and checkout options for carpooling to work or school.