今天做了VI,发现非常幸运和之前论坛上大家发的面试内容基本上一模一样,不知道还有没有人没有做还是发一下,祝大家好运! 形式:1 min pre + 2 min answer 只有一次机会录 1_ What qualities do you think you would need to have and which have youacquired at university to build a successful career within a Global bank? 2_ Pitch me a stock_ Why did you choose thisstock? What makes it a good buy/sell/hold? 3_ In your view, what makes a great trader? 4_What do you think are the challenges faced by UBS Investment Bank? 5_ Tell me about a time when you felt you took a personal risk bychallenging the way things were done and how did you challenge? Have you seenchanges made based on your feedback? 6_ Give me an example of when you had to work without any guidance_ Whatkinds of decisions did you have to make? How did you cope ? What feedback didyou receive? 7_Describe a time when something happened that meant you had to change a plan atthe last minute. What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome?What did you learn from this? 8. 2 minutes to add any further comments you mayhave