本帖最后由 hxjuibe 于 2018-11-14 20:11 编辑
昨天收到了北京审计offer,现在来贡献面经啦!
网申:7.31 申请的是提前批
笔试: 8.6 当时还在一家投行做暑期,本来很想留下的!结果。。今年这个行情,导致连校招都没了。于是开始疯狂投简历,kp的笔试刷了好几天吧就做了。v和n还好,都是刷过的基本都背了下来。logical太不友好了!一共做了6-7个,错了俩,感觉凉凉~
M面:11.4 因为笔试分数比较低,所以没能进提前批,就分配到了正常秋招。(1)小组面:案例是一家会计师事务所因为自身业务下滑,利润下降等问题,想收购3个tool来改善自身,分别是BIG DATA、AI、BLOCKCHAIN,每个Tool会给出五点相关的信息包括风险、盈利、长期发展、成本等。不用pre,讨论得出最终结果就行。想提醒大家的是,记得带表!case时不能用手机,没有计时器,所以带了表的同学即使不固定做time keeper,也要看时间大致提醒下组员!比如还剩三分钟的时候,可以让大家推选一个人总结一下!我们组这点做的很不好,大家都在讨论,也没人看时间,然后我们虽然选定了一个tool,但是时间到了的时候我们还没总结。。。导致面试官不太清楚我们的结论,这一点我在和经理单面的时候被Cue了。(2)经理单面:一开始经理用中文说让我做个自我介绍,我就礼貌问了下用中文还是英文,经理说随你,我就用了中文,因为我感觉这样经理更能听清我的自我介绍。然后经理全程中文向我提问,问了我们刚刚的讨论到底得出结论了吗 ,我对刚刚群面自己的表现怎么看,问我简历,Why Audit,最近经历过的一次较大的挫折学到了什么,印象深刻的一次成功的领导经历,因为楼主有投行的实习,所以经理问了我投行现在给你Offer你去吗。。。这种问题还是要小心点回答为好,特别是有过类似实习的同学要注意一下~然后还被Cue:其实你就是想做几年跳槽投行对吧。。。差不多就结束了,主要是要表现的自信一些,即使被压力面也要从容回答,不要慌。我问了M两个问题:Clara智能审计平台现在对我们审计工作的帮助有多少;对新入职的审计员有什么建议吗。最后M说我挺好的,让我下一阶段加油,也算是暗示吧。
Par面:11.9 Par是11楼的一位有点微胖然后很喜欢笑很幽默的Par。全程中文,并没有让我自我介绍,直接问我简历的问题,问的很细,问到了我一段不是很熟悉的暑期实践经历,所以大家要熟悉自己的简历呀。问了我Why Audit,对楼主家乡的经济发展的看法,印象深刻的一件改变自己的事情并且学到了什么等等,整个过程Par经常哈哈地笑起来,挺和蔼可亲的。最后就是我问了三个问题,就是之前我问经理的那俩问题+您从事审计这么多年让你克服种种困难继续前进的最大动力是什么。然后就结束了,Par并没像其他人的Par那样亲自送我出门并握手啥的,而是让他的助理送我出门了。
以下附我准备的3 Why,希望能给大家提供一些思路~
1. Why事务所(审计)。首先,我的财务知识储备较为充足:我本科是会计学专业,当时就对事务所比较向往,本科也修了会计学、审计学等课程,研究生也有修财务表分析的课程。读了研究生,我感觉我在金融领域的视野和知识面得到了拓宽,对我今后在事务所工作也更有帮助,今年也参加了注会三门科目的考试;其次,在我实习的过程中,有对审计业务有过接触。包括在毕马威和券商投行部接触到的工作,都让我意识到不管是内审还是外审,对于企业的日常运营以及投融资业务来说都是至关重要的,会计师们的工作在其中都是不可或缺的,审计是一份有意义和使命感的工作。再者,我觉得我个人也比较适合从事审计工作,我喜欢与处理数据相关的工作,平时比较沉稳细心,作风也比较谨慎,同时我也喜欢充满挑战性的工作,在毕马威实习的过程中也有体验了事务所经常出差的工作强度以及团队合作的工作方式,我都能够很好的适应也喜欢这种工作方式。因此我觉得我很适合审计这个职业;最后我对审计很有热情,在为客户提供审计服务并帮助他们达到日常运营或者投融资活动的目的之后所得到的成就感以及我自己在其中所获得的成长都让我很享受。 I will choose audit as my career and the reasons are as follows. Firstly, I possess the background ofprofessional knowledge about accounting. My bachelor’s degree wasaccounting and master degree is finance. I had some courses of accounting ,auditing, financial statement analysis and so on. On the other hand, I took theexaminations of CPA in 3 subjects this year, and I believe I can pass them_Secondly, learned about somework of audit when I was an intern in IBD. I sent confirmation requeststo banks, suppliers and clients of the company. I also saw the auditors dostock taking, vouching and so on. I like this kind of work. Thirdly, I am suitable for audit. Incharacter, I am careful and patient. I like dealing with work about statistics_When I was an intern in KPMG, I was able to adapt to the fast-paced workingenvironment, frequent business trips and working overtime. Last but not least, I have a passionfor audit. I think audit is a significant work in the company’s dailyoperation and investment activities, such as IPO and M&A. I will enjoy theprocess of providing audit service to the clients and help them to improvetheir performance.
2.Why kpmg. 首先,毕马威是我在大一刚入学就听闻的一家国际大所,据我了解,毕马威的服务尤其是审计服务在业界是非常专业的,并且员工工作的时候都需要着正装,我认为这是一种认真的态度,很professional。其次,毕马威在科技创新上非常的重视,比如每年的Fintech100榜单,Clara智能审计平台、员工个税计算器等,我认为在现在这个时代来说,科技创新是非常重要的;再者,毕马威对于员工的培训是很系统性和多样化的,我在这边实习的时候,除了会有专门的员工来对我们进行一对一的培训,还会有定期的线上课程,让我得到很充分地培训。同时全球海外派遣计划也非常吸引我,如果我有幸能加入毕马威,我一定会努力去争取这个机会,去和世界其他的地方的员工进行工作交流,去体验不同环境的新鲜感和可能性。最后,我对毕马威是比较有感情的,虽然四个月的实习时间不是很长,但给了我非常好的工作体验,也认识了很棒的同事和上司,体验了这里工作氛围和环境,提升了自己的抗压和沟通能力。所以我非常希望我能有机会再次加入毕马威。 The reasons I choose KPMG are as follows. Firstly, I leant that KPMG is a famous accounting firmin the world, and provide professional audit service. It’s Staff have to wearbusiness suit, which reflects attitude of profession. Secondly, KPMG pays enough attention to technicalinnovation. For example, every year the firm will release a list offintech 100, and the intelligent audit platform Clara have come to use. I thinkin this generation, enough attention to technical innovation is significant. Thirdly, KPMG’s train to employeesare systematic and diversity. When I was an intern here, there was astaff providing one-to-one train to me. What’s more, there were online coursesfor me to study so that I could obtain enough train. On the other hand, KPMG’sglobal rotations plan is enchanting to me. If I can be lucky to work in KPMG, Iwill try this opportunity to work in different countries, and communicate withdifferent colleagues. Last butnot least, I love KPMG. When I was an intern here, I met very nicecolleagues, I experienced the excellent working environment and atmospherehere. I improve myself including the ability of anti-pressure and communicationand so on. All these are what I want in my career and I sincerely hope that Ican be the lucky one to join KPMG.
3.Why me. 首先在学科上我与的专业与审计的工作比较匹配。我本科学的是会计学专业,研究生学的金融,有修过会计、审计、财务报表分析等相关课程,也刚参与了注册会计师考试的会计等三门科目的考试,因此知识储备是比较充足的。其次我曾经在毕马威有过内审的实习经验,非常喜欢事务所的团队协作的工作方式,也明白了专业性对于一名事务所工作者的重要性;另一段在招商证券投行部的实习经历中,我也有经常与会计师打交道,明白了接触到了审计的一些流程。比如我自己当时也有做函证并对客户的开户行、供应商等进行函证。我还有去看审计师们是如何进行原料盘点以及抽凭工作的。我觉得我个人也比较适合从事审计工作,我喜欢与处理数据相关的工作,平时比较沉稳细心,作风也比较谨慎,同时我也喜欢充满挑战性的工作,因此从事审计更能发挥出我的长处;另一方面,在毕马威实习的过程中也有体验了事务所经常出差的工作强度以及团队合作的工作方式,我都能够很好的适应也喜欢这种工作方式。因此我觉得我很适合审计这个职业;我对审计也很有热情,在为客户提供审计服务并帮助他们达到日常运营或者投融资活动的目的之后所得到的成就感以及我自己在其中所获得的成长都让我很享受。 最后,我对于毕马威是较为熟悉的,因为也曾经在这实习过,我也对它有比较深的感情,如果能有幸加入,我觉得我的工作会是幸福和高效的。 Firstly, I possess the background ofprofessional knowledge about accounting. My bachelor’s degree wasaccounting and master degree is finance. I had some courses of accounting ,auditing, financial statement analysis and so on. On the other hand, I took theexaminations of CPA in 3 subjects this year, and I believe I can pass them_Secondly, learned about somework of audit when I was an intern in IBD. I sent confirmation requeststo banks, suppliers and clients of the company. I also saw the auditors dostock taking, vouching and so on. I like this kind of work. Thirdly, and mostlyimportant, I am suitable foraudit. I am not only composure and dependable, but also careful andpersistent. I like dealing with work about statistics. When I was an intern inKPMG, I was able to adapt to the fast-paced working environment,frequent business trips and working overtime. Thirdly, I have a passion for audit. I think auditis a significant work during the company’s daily operation and investment andfinancing activities, such as IPO and M&A. I will enjoy the process ofproviding audit service to the clients and help them to improve theirperformance. Last but notleast, I love KPMG. When I was an intern here, I met very nicecolleagues, I experienced the excellent working environment and atmospherehere. I improve myself including the ability of anti-pressure and communicationand so on. All these are what I want in my career and I sincerely hope that Ican be the lucky one to join KPMG.
找工作不易,感谢KP的机会,祝大家好运!~