跟大陆的vi面试题几乎完全不同 但我对比了下 英国每年的都差不多 今年的题目跟去年只差了一个题不一样
1. What are you passionate about outside finance?
2. Tell us about a recent financial markets story that you have found interesting and explain how it impacts investment banks
3. what makes a bad trader? 4. Tell me about a time when you stood up for what you felt was right, in the face of challenge. 5. Tell me about a time when a project you were working on did not go as planned. What didn’t go well? How did you feel? How did you react? 6. If I gave you USD 5 million to invest, what would you invest in and why? How did you come to that decision? 7. Give me an example of when someone came to you for support or guidance. How did you know whether or not you had helped them? 8. Comments
准备1min, 讲2mins