本帖最后由 ziying1996@hotmail_com 于 2018-10-25 17:51 编辑
全英文,三个面试官,两个manager level (貌似),一个senior HR。
1、Introduce yourself
2、Tell me an experience when you were questioned by another party and how you managed to convince them. (就是问你有一方跟你意见产生分歧,你是如何说服对方类似的)--这个问题好好准备,结合领导力回答,我被问了差不多的问题大概两三次。。。
3、Tell me a case where you came up with some strategies that have enhanced your work efficency and cut down the cost--类似问题我被问了两次。。。
4、Tell me a case where you and someone else had a disagreement and you had to compromise
5、提问面试官有没有什么问题--这个大家作为参考,别照搬哈。。。我问了 your most unforgettable experience with P&G 和 As digital marketing and social media platforms have developed rapidly, what is the biggest difference in the branding strategies that P&G has applied?
大家古德拉克 :)