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【笔试】 2019玛氏 口试吐血分享 很晚了 给下一年做参考吧那就

发表于 2018-10-23 23:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
在傍晚的时候我总结了一下各位热心小伙伴的分享,以下应该就是23号所有题的题库,附上我自己准备的答案,因为怕时间太紧张准备不完。结果真的中了题,我最后准备那道题的时候都没耐心了差点想放弃fuck it直接上,还是怂了稍微准备了下。20分钟时间是真的紧张,组织语言不是很好的我,就只能这样笨拙滴备考。
1. 2个图表(PMI什么的),讲一下大概趋势,有时间说下最高点最低点时间基本就到了
2. 年轻人中popular的活动,skill, how to complete, why popular(听问题)
3. 人类不应该伤害动物,因为科技进步带来很多substitute,你怎么看(听问题)
4. 工作最重要,其他都是浮云,你怎么看(看问题)

  • Integrated English
  • The articles are interesting, I am able to touch western culture as well as learning the authentic english. broadened horizon and improves my level of literature appreciation.
  • Improves English level evidently. Examined vocabulary phrase in certain context, we tried to understand the culture and history behind the use of them.
  • Overall, very interesting and helpful.

—Firstly, to an extent, commercial culture helped traditional culture to survive or thrive in the modern world. Such as the collaboration between cosmetic goods and the design of forbidden city. The beauty from 1000 years ago brought into the public can be appreciated by

—The commercial activity of Modern tourism actually also helped the preserving of tradition. Otherwise, the craft, dance, and culture can disappear without been known to the world.

What we should do now is to use the power of commerce, combining tradition with modern to help the culture to be either preserved or thriving.

It depends on what you are learning. choose the form proceeding the learning process
— Early education or systematic training last long term. The effectiveness of Physical class based Off-line education is incomparable in terms of Peer study, do lots of discussion, group work, interaction. Build up EQ, value and interpersonal skills, make friends.
— Skills learning, very specific, last short term. Software or Certificate Exam preparation. Online is efficient and cost effective.

4.图表是total importexport

No. Study both.
Science helps us to live a better life, but it doesn’t mean history has no practical use, actually its more important than science.
—Identity. History records important events and how the world become the world that we lived in today. that If we forget history, we forget come from.
—Wisdom. History is repetitive. Learning about history is not only learning about events, but also values, humanity, and judgement ability. If we know history well. We can be more aware of the repetitive mistakes that humen is going to make.

A comic book about traveling around the world. by grandma.
— Accompanied my childhood as my grandma did. Parents went to big cities for fortune. No computer. Spare time.
—Grandma died. I sometimes read the book when I am not in a good mood and I can touch again the happiness that I gained with my grandma. It’s more like a precious souvenir from my dear grandma.

—penetrated into every aspect of our lives. Close millions of enterprises. If we abandon technology - do nothing. This is against the mega trend.
—Technology is helping to improve the environment. Such as green energy. Technology and big data actually helped us to make more informative choices of how to assess what damaged the environment and then make a plan to solve it.

第三题:两个pie chart, 中国Netizenincome分布和不上网的原因
第四题:科技和环保矛盾,是否应该选择 simpler way of life 放弃科技

celebrities promote video game should be forbidden
—What Celebrities do and say and their approval of the product to the public have great impact on people’s judgement especially for the youngsters who adore them as idols. Video games are not necessarily bad. But celebrities should be careful of justifying the importance of video games, which are clearly not the most important thing to do with their early lives.

2. App use the most, what, what for, whether popular, why use
WeChat most frequently tool in China. Nearly everyone is using. It’s an instant message application with functions of social media, financing and small game entertainment. It is popular because the app is easy to use. You can just simply register with your phone number and start adding friends and chat. You can also post sharing on your moments and interacting with long time no see friend. The app is also secure. I have not been hacked the password since I use the app from 2012. The app is also very useful for enterprise to contact with clients and promote business.

3. pie chat netizens income/reason do not surf

4. gap b/w rich and poor should be elimiate
I don’t think eliminating the gap can make the world a happier place.
-firstly, if there is people, there is difference. A gap will always exist between people. Unpractical.
—Second. A world with extreme equality is a world of stagnation. Imagine there is no reward for doing more and better work and no punishment for doing nothing. This will not be a better world because there is no way for personal development. Actually, there is a real life example during the 1950s China. People share the same food regardless of what they do to pursue equality. But it is then inequality worsened when good work do not receive deserved reward.

take the responsibility taking care senior people
—They’ve contributed to economy development. Deserve welfare from
—vulnerable diseases caused by aging. group of citizens who need special care. Infrastructure and insurance is what the government can do for their citizens
—Their sons and daughters parents. become Stressful for young people who had their children at the same time, this stress come from all aspects, such as finance, time, energy and life quality.

2. 分享最喜欢的一首歌,你为什么分享他?
Japanese song. by Character Voice from an animation. The melody is beautiful. Composed. Voice soft and sweet. It is about the parting between two little friend. Two kids. obsessed with songs with strong emotional attachment.
—close Friend recommended. graduating high school. she another country to pursue her further study. Listen to I remembered good days with her.
I would recommend beautiful song that many people can enjoy. it is meaningful.

3. 同不同意公司招equal female and male employees and treat them euqally能促进社会发展
Though it is believed m and f  certain fields good at. But what I see is the gender education and equality of chance that matters to the choice of career.
— way of thinking, which leaves a room for New ideas to be sparkled. The practice of Canadian president of recruiting equal numbers of both genders in the senators group showed opportunities for the operation.
— Different gender attracts each other, in general. Different strengths and skills can make a good match for team work. Thus improving the efficiency of the institute.


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