我之前看到的corporate center的问题包括:
1. What qualities do you think are important to be successful in working for a global bank?(没问) 2. Think of a time when you had several competing projects. What was the prioritize? What did you do? What did you base on to prioritize them?(没问) 3. Think of a time when you improved a process. What did you do? How did you improve it? What was the result?(没问) 4. Think of a time when you worked really hard. What aspects motivated you? What were the elements that de-motivated you? What was the result? How do you measure success? 5. Think of a time when you received a difficult feedback. What was the situation like? How did you react to it? 6. What would you do when you are stuck with a problem?(没问) 7. If you are to work for a 6-months project, and it is about to overrun on costs. What would you do to solve it effectively?(没问) 8. Comments
想也没想就全按照这个准备了,以为其他问题都是针对别的岗位的,没想到一大半没问,反而问了别的,包括: 1. Your understanding about the role you are applying for? 2. Think of a time when you received a difficult feedback. What was the situation like? How did you react to it? 3. How would your colleague/teammate talk about your collaboration style? 4. Situation when you explain sth. complicated to someone with limited knowledge. 5. Think of a time when you worked really hard. What aspects motivated you? What were the elements that de-motivated you? What was the result? How do you measure success? 6. A recent news, why do you think it's important, how do you think it will develop? 7. Why do you think you are a good fit for this position? 8. Comments
所以除了准备过的问题我全都是临时说的,比较乱七八糟,而且拖到快ddl才做,中间收到两封催做的邮件,估计凉凉了。 但是所有问题都在论坛里有小伙伴提到过的,我也是没用心太随意了,大家只要准备全了肯定不会漏掉任何一个题。
另外附上我所有的跟UBS OT相关的资料,请看下面网盘链接,就是从论坛别的小伙伴那边搬运过来的。 链接:https://pan_baidu_com/s/1Y_UC62lc9tADqLgQldY3EQ 密码:vawh
再多说一句我做logic和num的时候几乎全军覆没,因为问的题目好像都和资料里不一样,多数是内容一样但是问的东西不一样就需要重新算,我一看到就懵了,然后大多数题都来不及做完,很多空着,多数选错,我感觉就对了顶多一两题,可还是过了OT,不是很明白,只能说UBS的OT要求真的很低?或者Corporate Center这种对logic和num没要求?