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be yourself and express yourself better
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My name is xxx. I come from xxx University, majoring in xxx now. In spring semester of last year, I became an exchange student in xxx University in xxx. Exchange abroad was an unforgettable experience to me. I traveled with friends around 8 European countries, and I tried traveling alone for the first time in my life. I loved traveling alone because it made me more strong-minded and independent. During last 3 months I was an audit intern inxxxCPA firm. I participated in 3 audit projects and organized working papers. In this internship, I fell in love with auditing. With strong learning ability and open-minded attitude, I adapted myself smoothly and easily to this job. I really enjoy using financial knowledge and thinking deeply about the validity of data in the auditing process. And it gave me a great sense of achievement when I used Excel to generate a worksheet of working papers. One of my strength I think is my cooperative attitude towards team work. I like to communicate with colleagues, and I love the environment where we work together to complete the project like a warm family; To most people, auditing is tiring, but to me, even when we need to work overtime until late, I felt every minute was fulfilling and I tried to improve work efficiency so that I wouldn¡¯t feel tired or bored. In auditing project I want to shoulder more responsibility and desire to be excellent under time-limit and pressure. All these made me realize my interest and enthusiasm in auditing, and I really want to take auditing as my career. Thank you. Hobby: Running yoga¡persistence endurance Swimming in summer. feel cool. Relieve stress and feel recharged All activities with friends. It doesn¡¯t matter what you do or where you go. the most important is that who you are with. ²ÆÎñÊý¾Ý±íʾµÄ¾ÍÊǹ«Ë¾¾ÓªÇé¿ö£¬ÁªÏµÆðÀ´¿´¡£ºÜ¶à¶«Î÷Ҫȥ˼¿¼¸ÃÊý¾ÝµÄºÏÀíÐÔ¡£ ˵һ¸ö°¸ÀýÕâÀïµÄ½è·½·¢Éú¶î¸úÊÕÈë¸ù±¾²»Æ¥Å䣬½è·½·¢Éú¶îÔ¶Ô¶´óÓÚÊÕÈ룬ÊÇÒòΪÓдóÁ¿µÄ½è£ºÓ¦ÊÕÕ˿´û£ºÓ¦ÊÕÕË¿îµÄ¼ÇÕËƾ֤µ¼Öµģ¬ÄÇôÕâÀïµÄ½è·½·¢Éú¶î¾Í²»ÄÜ´ú±íÊDZ¾ÆÚÔö¼ÓµÄÓ¦ÊÕÕË¿îÁË£¬ÄÇ»¹Óù«Ê½È¥ËãµÄÕËÁä¿Ï¶¨¾Í²»¶ÔÁ˵ÄÀ²¡£´ó¼Òֻϰ¹ßÁËÓùßÓù«Ê½È¥Ë㣬ûÓÐ×Ðϸ˼¿¼¹ýÕâ¸öÊý¾Ý±íʾµÄº¬Ò壬ûÓÐÕæÕýÀí½â°´¹«Ê½È¥ËãÕËÁäµÄÕæÚС£ Õë¶ÔÕâ¸öÓ¦¸ÃÒª×öµÄÊÇÒª°Ñ½è·½¡¢´û·½·¢Éú¶î¶¼Òª»¹Ô»ØÀ´²ÅÐС¢Èý跽±íʾµÄÊDZ¾ÆÚÔö¼ÓÓ¦ÊÕÕ˿ȷÈÏÊÕÈ룩£¬´û·½±íʾµÄÊջػõ¿î¡£Õâ²ÅÊÇÒ»¸öÂß¼¡£Ë¼¿¼£¬Àí½âÊý¾Ý±íʾµÄº¬Òå¡£ 1. Why EY? l EY is well known for its corporate culture in big 4. The distinctive culture of EY is to put people first. l the mature training program offer us comprehensive business and technical support. This impresses me. l EY is a place full of excellent staff who can provide high-quality service to diverse clients in different industries. Working with them is a pride for me and I wish to be one of them in the future. 2. Why CPA firm? / Why audit? As to the reasons why I select CPA firm as my only choice are as following£º first of all, during my internship in CPA firms, I found I could enjoy myself thoroughly and it was one of the most wonderful experiences to me. In my eyes, it is fantastic to choose your interest as your job and enjoy through it. What¡¯s more, with strong learning ability, good communicative skills, and an open-minded attitude, I am competent to work in CPA firms. Last but not least, through working in CPA firms, I could strengthen my professional knowledge, broaden my horizon on this business world and enhance my commercial awareness. As to be professional is one of my career objectives, thus CPA firm is my best choice without any doubt. Above all, it is my interest, my ability, and my career objective which let me choose CPA firm as my best choice. Ò»¡¢ÐËȤ ÈÈÇé ¾öÐÄ ¶þ¡¢¿ìËٳɳ¤as an auditor, I could strengthen my professional knowledge and broaden my horizon on different industries , enhance my commercial awareness. Èý¡¢ÊÊºÏ ÐÔ¸ñÈÏÕæϸÖ£¬ÓÐÔðÈÎÐÄ quick-learning ability, strong communication skills Self-assessment A famous proverb goes like this: choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. First of all, auditing is independent and professional, and it is precise and codified with precise procedures_The professionalism and standardizing guild regulations make this job attractive to the persons like me who is full of the sense of responsibilities. Moreover, I¡¯m a person who is task-basked and project-oriented, so I like the process of accomplishing tasks in auditing. Also I¡¯m a person who enjoys and does pretty well in communicating with people from various vocations and backgrounds, which benefits me a lot in getting on well with different clients. I think these are my strengths. In the Likes and Dislikes survey, I like to compare, analyze and interpret facts and figures, which is the basic and important work in auditing. 3. What achievement you have got from your internship? A.¶ÔÉó¼ÆÓлù±¾Àí½âºÍʵ¼Ê½Ó´¥£¬Ï²»¶ÉÏÕâ¸öÐÐÒµ egæµ³äʵ ½ø²½³É¾Í¸Ð ÌôÕ½ÖÐÀÖȤ I have grasped a basic understanding of the differences between company and the CPA firm. In short, the work in company is much more routine. I want to do something more exciting and stimulating. In other words, It is through these internship which let me choose CPA firm and audit as my occupation. B.¸üÉîÈëµØÁ˽â×Ô¼º ºÜϲ»¶²ÆÎñÉó¼Æ·½Ãæ ¡£I got a better understanding about myself. Through internship, I found I still have intense interest in every work related with economics and finance. And my problem-solving ability is out of my expectation. Of course, I also found my deficiency in different internship, ±ðµÄͬÊÂ×öµÄ±È½Ï¸ßÉîµÄÎÒ¿´²»¶®£¬ÒòΪÕâÑùºÜ¸ÐÐËȤºÜÏëÉîÈëѧϰ£¬ÔÚʵ¼Ê¹¤×÷µ±Öл¹Òª¼ÌÐø̽Ë÷¡£ C.½â¾öÎÊÌâµÄÄÜÁ¦ ºÏ×÷ÄÜÁ¦ ¹µÍ¨ÄÜÁ¦ Ìá¸ß eg·¢ÏÖ²îÒìÅÌÎʲÆÎñ ˼¿¼Àí½âÊý¾Ý D.I established solid friendship with some of my workmates who can always give some direction for my work. 4. What factors have influenced your career choice? The job which can give me the most challenges and achievements attracts me the most. Some other factors such as good career development prospects, comprehensive training programs, harmonious company culture, good working circumstance and high salary are also in my considerations. 5. What career objectives you want to achieve / What improvement you expect to achieve in 3-5 years if you work as an auditor? a. become professional and become an excellent and competent CPA. b. I hope I could shoulder more responsibilities and withstand more pressure, only through this progress, could I stimulate my own potential and be best myself. c. I wish I could fulfill every task my manager assigns for me at full stretch. l I am desperate to inhale practical experience in audit. Although I have an internship as an auditor in XX CPA firm, I am still a blank paper in this field, especially in practical experience. As a green hand, I wish I could acquire more experiences in audit and become a competent CPA. l What a competent CPA needs is not only professional knowledge, but good communicative skills, excellent presentation ability and some other abilities, thus I wish I could make great improvement in an all-round way. 15. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team¡¯s success. When I worked as an intern in one CPA firm, we had different opinions towards the audit of inventory of one client. As all the inventory got placed in a third- party escrow account and there were thousands of accounting records related to inventory, and inventory exceeded half of the assets of this client. Without any doubt that inventory was one of the most important fields in this item. Considering the risk and the efficiency I suggested we should testify the third-party by mail as well as check part of the ware-housing contracts between our client and the third-party. But one of my workmates insisted that we should check all the ware-housing contracts. Her reason was that through this process we could find all the mistakes between the contracts and the accounting records. At last, we reported this situation to our manager who adopted my advice because current audit should be risk-oriented. It was unnecessary and impossible for us to find out all the mistakes in the financial statements. 16. Please describe a challenge you have faced and how you coped with it. It can be work related or during your study in school, or even in your personal life you want to share. 17. In XXX, we nurture a high performing culture with the strong support of the efficient team based learning environment and coaching programs. Describe a specific achievement of you within a team and what you gained from it. 18. At XXX our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Tell us about a situation where you have used two of XXX's values to achieve a positive outcome. 1. ÄúÈÏΪÔÚÖ°ÒµÉúÑĵIJ»Í¬½×¶Î£¬ÎÒÃÇÓ¦¸ÃÖصã×öºÃÄÄЩÊÂÇ飬¾ß±¸ÄÄЩËØÖÊ£¿ 2. ÎÒÁ˽⵽°²ÓÀµÄÅàѵÊÇ×öµÃ×îºÃµÄ£¬ÄÜ·ñÏòÎÒ½éÉÜ϶ÔÐÂÈ˵ľßÌåÅàѵ¼Æ»®£¿ 3. ÄúÀ´XXX¶àÉÙÄêÁË£¿ÄÜ·ñºÍÎÒ·ÖÏíÏÂÄúÔÚXXXµÄÒ»¸ö³É³¤Àú³Ì£¬°²ÓÀ¸øÄú´øÀ´µÄ±ä»¯£¿ 4. 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