本帖最后由 RichardHe123 于 2015-11-23 17:07 编辑
Question List:
1. Walk me through your resume.
2. Why UBS?
3. Tell me more about XXX IPO you just mentioned.
3. Where else do you receive interviews? What's special about UBS?
4. During xxx, were you involved in an IPO? any financial modelling experience?
5. Tell me more about your responsibilities at XXX.
6. What is Embedded Value for an insurance company?
7. Difference between IFRS & Embedded Value.
8. Risk discount rate of Solvency II?
9. Which insurance companies use SII, which do not?
10. How do you value a company? What about banks or high growth companies?
11. Why in M&A, use precedent transactions rather than trading comps?
12. How to get WACC?
13. What are the CoC for Chinese companies, how to derive the number?
14. Tell me a team experience.
15. Tell me an experience that you overcame challeges and succeed.
16. 你来自哪儿?
17. 有没有问题呢?
面试的过程像是面试更像是讨论,很多时候我答的点不一定完全正确面试官都会一一告诉我他的想法和分析, 我们也有不少关于中外保险行业的讨论.问题里的很多点不一定要理解或准备尤其是Embedded Value和SII的部分,那些都是保险业相关的知识.