本帖最后由 wolegequ! 于 2015-11-6 10:14 编辑
1. PwC aims tomaintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation whenyou were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had adifferent opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’ssuccess.普华永道致力于保持高标准的专业主义精神。请描述一个情景是你在一项任务中使用了不同的方法或者不同的观点并说说这种不同对你团队的成功有怎样的贡献。----------------------------------------- 答:在计算机协会,我有幸成为了一个涉及90多人的大型活动负责人。在活动的策划和实施阶段我发现我们协会内部遭遇了信息传递不及时,部门之间不协调,很多命令甚至无法上达下通。以往的做法是我们把相关的行动信息仅仅发送给了主要责任方,其他部门和上级其实并不知情。为了解决问题,我提出了一个与以往不同的信息传导方法:群发短信邮件给所有部门并CC给上级,另外在短信内容中明确责任方。如此一来,所有人都知道其他人在做什么,自己应该做什么,也同时明确了责任方使得活动的实施更有效率。最后我们协会在这次大型活动中完满成功。 In thecomputer association, I had the honor to be a leader of an activity whichinvolved 90+ person. But in the processing I found that the information betweendepartments were always missed and delayed, even some important information ourchairmen didn’t know. I figured out that we just sent the information to themain parties but not all the related parties and our executives. To solve thisproblem, I took a different approach to deliver message: sent the message toall parties and CC to our chairman. The other method is to highlight who shouldtake responsibility and what was the deadline. So people in our associationwould know what to do and what others do. Meanwhile, clearing theresponsibilities also improve the efficiency of running the activity. At lastwe did a great job and we got a better internal connection. 2. Pleasedescribe a challenge you have faced and how you coped with it. It can be workrelated or during your study in school, or even in your personal life you wantto share. If you provide work related experience, please only provide generalinformation and do not provide confidential information such as the names ofthe clients or parties involved or specific details of the transaction (e_g_price or terms) which you were involved.请描述一个你曾面对过或者应付过的挑战。这个挑战可以是工作相关的也可以是你在学校的学习经历,甚至你可以分享你的个人生活。如果你分享的是工作相关的经验请仅仅分享一些大致的信息,请不要分享一些商业信息如客户的名字或者涉及的各方或者交易的一些细枝末节(如价格,条款等)。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 答:当时做了审计实习生不足两个月却被告知要带一个刚进所里的实习生一同去连南某偏远地方盘点军工企业。我们的任务就是要装得老成地盘点固定资产和在建工程。在颠簸的路途后我只好白天装作很善谈和财务阿姨聊柴米油盐,晚上回到酒店就拼命查询和请教盘点注意事项。最后我们离开的时候带着资料齐全的盘点记录和客户送的2斤菜心回到了广州。审计员也夸赞我们盘点做得好。 As an auditintern in Xu Lun Pan CPA, I was told that I had to draw up an inventory for anmilitary industry, far from GZ, in a small village located in Liannan, withanother newly intern who just worked less than 1 week. Our task was to finishthe inventory and pretend to be experienced. God knew how scared and nervous Iwas on the trip to Liannan. During the day, we pretended to be very outgoingand talked with client something about housing pricing, the children studyingetc. When came back to hotel we searched the notes about inventory and inquiredour auditors everything about inventory. At last, we left Liannan with the wellrecorded inventory report and the gift – client gave some cabbage and back toGZ office. My manager even prized me for the bravery. 3. In PwC, we encourage people open minded toadopt changes. Please describe a time when you worked with someone with adifferent background or culture to you or outside of your usual network. Howyou deal with this situation and what was the outcome? 在普华永道中,我们鼓励员工保持开放的思维去顺应改变。请描述一段经历是你曾与来自不同背景或者不同文化或者是不同于你习惯的社交网络的人共事。你是如何处理这些情景又获得了怎么样的结果呢?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I used to workedwith two boys who were good at logic but weak at communication, showedprofessional attitude but preferred doing things alone. All these showedsufficient evidence that we may get into arguments on almost everything aboutour Computing Association’s 2012 recruitment program.// I didsomething normally but definitely effectively: 1_Having lunch at least twice aweek. I believed only when we knew each other can we communicate with eachother and express ourselves better. 2. Discussing things face to face insteadof typing message or chatting on line. Especially when we need to follow-upthings, this point made effect. 3. Communicating honestly but skillfully: sayfact but not comments, convey feelings but not judgments, express needs but notorders, make a specific request; when you find some opinions ridiculous, youbetter repeat the words you have heard. // The outcomewas that we succeed to be NO.1 in freshman population in the same lineassociations. 4. In PwC, wenurture a learning and development culture with the strong support of theefficient learning environment and coaching programmes. Please describe aspecific achievement of you within a team and what you gained from it.在普华永道,我们有高效的学习环境和教练项目来培育一种学习和发展的文化,请描述一个你在一个团队里的具体的成就以及你获得了什么? —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 在社团骨干训练营中我作为一个leader与大家一起完成一个游戏并被告知成绩足以排进全国前三名。游戏是要我们一百多人在最短时间内依次跳过跳绳,所有人必须一次依次通过,否则重新来过。我的成就是让一百多号陌生的人在最短时间内按照效率最高的方式排好队,解释给所有人听游戏规则以及我们想到的解决方法。但让我最自豪的是在每一次的失败后我用尽力气去鼓励大家,为我们自己表达激动和感谢。 In the YouthElite Leadership Training Camp, we played a game and succeed to be in the top 3around the whole country. The game required us (130 people) to pass thru a ropeone by one (if failed, then again) in the shortest time. I, as aleader, was proud of one thing: I encouraged people when we failed every timeby applauding and cheering. What Ilearnt from this game were that: 1. Encouraging others will also boost ourconfidence. 2. Adjusting the program continually and keeping open-minded tosuggestions. 3. It is okey when we fail again and again. But it is dangerousthat we feel numb to fail. 4. Expressing thanks to those who contribute all thetime because they are the surely backbones. 5. Admitting weaknesses and seekingfor help can improve your images. 6. Forgiving ourselves when we fail, andpracticing hard or seeking for help. This gameredefined the team sprit I had learnt, and I benefited from it life-long.
这只是我个人 的一些答案。希望能给你们带来新的思路。抛砖引玉,献丑啦。 祝各位美梦成真!也祝我自己好运!
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