楼主: Dora大丸子
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[面试] 2014 Barclays RBB strategic analysis FLDP 新鲜的哦







发表于 2014-1-10 18:09 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 Dora大丸子 于 2014-1-10 18:45 编辑

楼主昨天埃森哲伦敦office的ac完,下午去part-time job interview,回家后用了半天准备的巴克莱电面笔记。平时怎么也要睡满8小时的我居然6点就睡不住起来准备了,结果还行吧,正常发挥。
楼主不是小气的人,要给就给全部,还不带用你金币的。这个帖子包括我找的他家的新闻(主要关于巴克莱的retail and business banking),准备的面试问题与答案,还有我真实面试的问题。其他的可以在wikijob上找到一点。
楼主下午pwc management consulting 电面,求加油,求人品!!!

Barclays, meanwhile, is led by Antony Jenkins, a low-key retail banker with a penchant for management theory, chosen as a deliberate antidote to the hard-charging investment banking culture that pervaded the group for years

The capital demands of the UK regulatorare tougher than those in Germany and Barclays is already having to adapt its structure to the so-called Vickers rules on ringfencing retail banking operations_ http://www_theguardian_com/business/2011/sep/12/vickers-report-key-points
18 percent in domestic market(too big too fail)

Core investment banking revenues decreased by 20-30 percent and weaker position in the deposit-rick Asia. However, Barclays is expanding its global presence with Barclaycard credit card business. Growth also focuses on payment systems and its African unit -some areas the bank already has momentum.
Adjusted income for July and August across the group was £500m lower than the year before, pulling down its income for the first eight months to a level 5 per cent below the same period of 2012.

Cost Reduction
The head of retail and business banking at Barclays has warned of branch closures and further job cuts as the bank undergoes a dramatic transformation of its cost-heavy high-street business. 10-Nov-2013
Ashok Vaswani, who was handed responsibility for Barclays’ global retail arm said he was planning a significant overhaul of the size, location and functionality of the bank’s branches, as swaths of customer transactions are moving online.
His comments follow last week’s announcement that 1,700 of Barclays’ retail staff will lose their jobs as a result of customers’ increasing use of mobile and online services rather than traditional branches.
The changes are part of Barclays’ overall efforts to reduce its cost base by £1.7bn by 2015, or almost 10 per cent (current overall at 17bn). Mr Vaswani said the retail division had to be at the forefront of that given it has a cost-to-income ratio of about 66 per cent – considerably higher than its peers. While that is skewed by the fact that Barclays’ lower cost credit cards(referring to Barclaycard) business is reported separately, analysts have said that costs in the retail division are unsustainable. Mr Vaswani said he planned to reduce the ratio to the “mid-50s” once adjusted for Barclaycard. He added that while he could not rule out further job losses, future cuts would not be as dramatic as last week’s.
The transformation of the retail business comes as Barclays battles to retain customers amid increasing competition.
Mr Vaswani admitted Barclays had lost more personal customers than it had gained since the introduction of new rules that have made it easier for people to switch current accounts.

普及:Bank switch -The simpler bank account switching service will reduce the time it takes to move personal, small business and charity bank accounts from between 18 and 30 days to just seven. You can choose a specific date on which to switch, matching the opening of a new account with when you are paid. Existing payments from your old account will be transferred automatically to your new account.

He planned to win back customers by improving the bank’s mobile technology– “automating the hell” out of everyday transactions like paying bills, setting up direct debits and transferring money. (Clear targeted.)

Other target group of customers? Student - free-interest small amount overdraft, lower interest student loans, student accounts saving plan

Pingit - instant payments to new payees by keying in his/her mobile phone number. Saves time and costs, Great way for businesses to manage their revenue(and there is no daily cap for amount of payments received).
Find ATM using your mobile banking?
Emergency cash
Barclays Cloud It - Store all documents such as bills or copies of passport, driving license into one place so that you can access them through any device. You will also get text alerts for important paying deadlines. Allow different cloud accounts for business and personal bank accounts.

Customer Insights/Marketing
Your Bank -online hub that share ideas and listen to customers’ voices about how to improve its services, accessibility and tools(multi-media)
“The campaign which takes the platform from beta to full launch has a bold visual approach to demonstrate listening and is unafraid to ask provocative questions to demonstrate we really do want to hear.”
Good ideas emerge here - show pending transactions on mobile banking, card-block by users,coin-paying machines(which exist in HSBC and NATWEST) Enhance taxi digital payment

Across all products, Barclays received 370,733 complaints between January and July,(2013) (77% about general insurance and pure protection;current accounts, payments and services like online banking 21%) 
some way above the second most complained about firm, Lloyds TSB, with 253,735
. Some 62 per cent of complaints to Barclays were upheld in the customer's favour.
complaints excluding PPI were down 32 per cent compared the preceding six months. Complaints specifically about banking were down 33 per cent on the same basis.

Expand to emerging markets - why not consider cooperating with China UnionPay? (although it requires high up-front capital, and faces competitors who have the same intentions)
Target customers like businessmen travelling frequently between the UK and China, Chinese students and tourists.
Enhance security - text message reminder whenever any change occurs to balance
Ashok Vaswani, Chief Executive of Barclays Retail and Business Banking, said: 'Even one unhappy customer is one too many which is why we must always strive to learn lessons on how we can do better.
'That is why we will now publish complaints data every three months with additional information on how we are tackling their root causes. We want to have really engaging conversations with both customers and consumer groups on how we can improve further as we seek to make Barclays the "Go-To" bank.
He revealed the bank would relaunch the entire fee structure of its overdrafts in the first half of next year. “I’m completely committed to making changes even if it means a loss of short-term revenue,” he said. “When customers realise the bank is helping them avoid charges, I think they will reward us with more business.”

Why Barclays?
Its history - hundred years ago, uk blood, local expertise, real insights into British people’s saving and borrowing behaviours
Decisive - BarCap decided to picked up  Lehman's US equities, fixed income and M&A businesses which set its foot firmly in the IB industry.
It also sets its goals of improving mobile banking and improve customer experiences very clear - even it needs to sacrifice other things.
Its abundant capital and its potential, interesting timing to join in
Global, RBB in Africa, Europe, industry-leading credit card..
IB, Corporate, Wealth, RBB
It was established in 1690 and expanded in the 20th century
5 Million Young Futures help disadvantaged young people to develop business knowledge, employability
,Its affluent resources and capital allow it to utilise resources to finance new initiatives that can diverse the products and ultimately impact on end consumers.

Why RBB? What do you know about RBB?
Very dynamic, competitive and requires really differentiators(innovation, price, diverse products)
Client-facing, past experiences have made myself realised my passion for client services and pleasure for solving problems for them_JoiningBar
Allows me to leverage its affluent resources, like people, tech, industry expertise to design better solutions and bring them to life, which rely on solid understandings for customers, affluent resources, and excellent quality and reliability eventually meet customers’ needs and benefit them.
Unlike IB,C it is affedting everybody in society. As an Economist, improving general public’s welfare has always been a goal. Make larger impact, and seeing my creation creating value for people’s daily life--rewarding.

Challenge for the division? Financial Market? Future of the division?
----Regulation, account switch - retain and attract customers
Not enough- falling reputation, security issues, --large amount of complaints (PPI)
66 % cost-to-income ratio, higher than peers -not sustainable

Why FLDP, what do you think you can get from FLDP? what's your challenge for the programme?
Various interactions with the business, deep customer insight and a clear sense of where your strengths and your prospects lie.  commercial mindset and strategic outlook,

Why Strategic Analytics?
Understand customers
diversity of work and early responsibilities;
I have always been interested and to analyse different situations and see the big picture. Strategic Planning Scheme enables me to pursue my passion for research and analysis,and to apply my skills to real-life tasks which can directly impact people’s daily life and Barclays’s performance.
First-hand information about customers, numerical

My questions:
Why are you interested in financial industry, especially Barclays?
What do you know about Barclays, RBB(how does it differentiate from IB,Corporate etc), FLDP, Strategic Analytics
What do you hope to gain from this programme and what would you do to motivate yourself to reach that goal?
How joining this programme would help you to reach your career goal?
What’s your ideal working environment and manager?
How did you keep up with recent news?
How did I collaborate in a team?
Example: resolve a conflict within team
Follow up questioins: What did you enjoy most in this whole process
What’s the biggest problem during your team effort to organise the competition(specific for my experience)? How did you contribute to resolve this problem
When did you go extra mile to solve problems for a customer, colleague, friend?
Example: help customers in a retail store
Follow ups: what motivated you to do so?(place myself in the customer’s feet, what would I expect if I were him/her)
How were the customers like?
What did you enjoy most in the process
When did you have to solve a difficult challenge
Example: leading multi-task operation under pressure during organising a Fair
Follow ups: Did it involve a lot of pressure?
What did you enjoy most?
What would you rather do to improve if you were about to do it again?
Ask any questions?
I asked his experiences working in Barclays(the hierarchy. Working environment)
I asked his thoughts about recent job cut and branch closures of Barclays and suggested it can improve its communicate way with general public.
I asked whether Barclays use a lot of external support,, whether staff are resistant to them?(I am just trying to get some insights regarding consulting works)


最后再次求积人品,求大家给鼓励!!!楼主两天两个面试,一个ac 真的不容易啊,要积大半年人品啊





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