First step: online applications. It takes about 2 hours to finish
it all. It is recommended to print a copy of the application and think about
the essay topics before hand..
Online applications are screened by actual human beings, claimed
by HSBC..
If you passed this stage, you will get an email notifying you and
invited to take numeric and verbal reasoning tests.
Numeric: very much similar to standard chartered's. I actually
found same ones ..(hoho) but you have to do one more than SBC's. 21 questions
in 21 minutes
Verbal reasoning: you will be given one passage consisting of 3-4
sentences. Most are statements or factual listings. Then you will be asked 2-3
questions accordingly. The time could be very tight. I did the English version
and it was alright. I think there were 7-8 passages in 25 minutes. But i think
you can actually do it in Chinese as well..
After this stage, you would be contacted very shortly if you met
some benchmark scores and invited to phone interviews. They would call you
first to schedule it and ask you for a number of your choice and then call that
time at a time that works for you.
Phone interview is long..45 minutes and called from London directly ( for my
case). You are asked to introduce yourself first. then you were asked a bunch
of behavior questions. give an example when ..blah blah blah..they do ask
something that you have already answered in the application just to see if you
are serious enough. Be prepared for this. If you are not used to British accent,better listen
to some tapes before the interviews...if you think it's sexy. you rock..:-p
After that, it's final assessment. they told me on the phone that
they do not have the face-to-face interviews this year as stated on the
website. not sure save cost??? anyways, i haven't gone to the
assessment day yet. will update more after i go.
考试一共是两个部分,verbal and numerical。做过kp笔试的同学应该感觉很多题似曾相识,甚至一摸一样。俺就郁闷了,题都没做完,估计没戏了。考试之前、中间和之后都会穿插hrjj的循循教导(俺觉得她挺罗索的),大家可借此放松心情。 numerical一共35题,40分钟内要做完;verbal48题,25分钟做完。中间不可以问问题,不给提示时间(最后一分钟会提醒一次)。还有,白鹤厅很热,可以少穿一些(俺考到满头大汗--急得)。题还是大名鼎鼎的SHL给的,如果没做过的人可以去www_shl_com去看看。不过在我这里显示有点问题,所以我只做了example test。