楼主申请的J.P. Morgan 2014 Hong Kong Finance Internship。楼主这学期在美国交换,所以二面是通过电话进行的。之前一直都只是从应届生上获得帮助,还没有分享过什么东西。所以这次就攒攒人品分享一下楼主个人的二面经历。
长话短说,Finance Internship Program的二面有两部分,每部分30分钟。第一部分主要问的都是behavioral questions,是两个人面的。结束后我挂了电话,等负责第二部分面试的人打给我。面试官都不tough,语气都比较温和。整个interview没有任何technical question。
Part 1 - Behavioral Questions (30 min)
1. What’s your biggest achievement and why? 2. What would you do to improve the [your achievement] if you were to do itagain? 3. What’s the part of the [your achievement] that gives you the strongest sense of achievement? 4. How would you deal with unmotivated teammates? Can you give me an example of that? 5. What factors do you consider important for a satisfying andmotivating working environment? 6. Do you have any questions for us?
Part 2 - Situational Questions (30 min)
1. What would you do if you were involved in a project thatrequired cooperating with other teams, e.g. technology team? How would youapproach them? 2. What would you do if the manager of your team never givesany direction and your teams make all work towards different directions? 3. What would you do if you were doing a presentation and foundout that there was an error in the data on the presentation material and youdidn’t know who made the ppt? 4. What would you do if your project failed? And through whatways do you find out where you did wrong? 5. You know that in financial industry, people are very busy_So how would you arrange your tasks so that so that no deadlines are missed? 6. What would you do if there is a mini task for you and otherinterns to finish a report for a managing director and the task involves dataentry, which takes a great amount of time, and also some VBA programming? 7. What would you do if you found out that the data in a reportwas wrong due to a technical error in the database and the report was duetonight?