本帖最后由 laipipi 于 2012-12-18 14:20 编辑
是一个声音特别甜美的JJ打来的。 把我吓了一跳,因为邮件名字明明是STEVEN
1. I see your resume is excellent both in content and pattern, can you surprise me by something about you out of the resume? 囧。。。
2. please specify the details of past interships, please select 2 from the 4 on your CV, including what's your role and what didi you learn? 这个很正常
3. how to value a company? 于是我说出了常用的几种方法。。。
4. nice, but just this few methods? 还好有准备。。。。继续各种偏门的方法。。。
5. any other methods? our job might confront various industries, we really need our candidate to know more and deelply about it. 囧。。。。还好这时候旁边的SAM拿起纸和记号笔开始提醒我漏掉的方法。。。。
6. walk me through DCF.
7. how to get WACC, Ke, g, Rf?
8. what is the affect of an increase of goodwill towards 3 financial reports?
9... several common behaviour questions...
10. any questions you wanna ask me?
总结: 英语语速好快好快好快好快啊,找个英语好的开免提帮帮自己是个不错的方法。 GS的人都很有礼貌,但是的确很讲究细节和专业程度,一点不打马虎眼。。。
感谢 SAM \ LILY 救我于水火~~
感谢 应届生上的各位大神~大仙~前辈~ 本人并非金融专业,所以那些和我一样的苦逼跨专业同学还是有希望的~祝福你们