发信人: wingstar (枫叶雨 Joshua ), 信区: job 标 题: philips 电面 10:05 发信站: 饮水思源 (2007年11月02日10:20:48 星期五)
全英语面试 1 self introduction (1 min) 2 what is weakness?(sometimes overexcited ) 3 what is the 3 most important fectors when you look for a job?(1 个人兴趣 2 工 作气氛 3 个人发展) 4 忘了-_- 5 what do you know about Philips?(这个我回答的可能不太全.one of the greatest e lectronics facilities field_leading in some fields such as lighting,medical fa cilities_Philips invest a lot in China these years and long ago.)
反正他问得快我答得也快,也就10分钟全部答完了... 祝大家好运..