Why Singapore?
What do you like most about your school, when will you graduate?
Why Barclays and why operations, or why do you think you fit this position?
Recent market conditions, how does Subprime happen, what do you think subprime really is and why corporations and banks don’t want to lend money?
(I mentioned British government) so why they inject money into Ibs?
Detailed recent development in the industry
And particular the impact and development on BarCaps
Why IB?
What do you think investment banking do, what are the major functions IB serves?
What challenges would you foresee when you work in Barclays?
Tell me about your CCAs
What is the biggest challenge you faced in your CCAs?
Tell me a situation you have to think out of the box.
Feb 21st AC, 很难啊。。。
祝好运! |