今年秋招投了四大,德勤和春招时候一样,只要投递就给测评和vi的 ,昨天刚做完,还是shl和vi,vi就是s+m,真题我贴在这里了,反正不要钱就当做攒人品值了![](https://bbsimg.yingjiesheng.net/static/image/smiley/yct/em15.gif)
1_Describe a time when you found it difficult to work with a teammate. ①What made it difficult? ②What attempts did you make to deal with the difficult situation? ③What challenges did you face during the process? ④What was the end result?
2_Describe a time when you made a mistake or when you did not apply the necessary effort in a task or project. ①What feedback did you receive? ② How did you change your approach as a result of this feedback?
3_Describe a time in your work or studies when you experienced stress .
what about the situation gave you stress?
How did you deal with it?