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[面试] UBS瑞银 北京 CCS VI题目, 以及其他岗位VI题目







发表于 2017-11-4 11:27 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
非常非常感恩群里的各位大神的分享帖,所以遇到了一样的题目,但是由于楼主没选好场地,杂音特别大,看回放的时候,有些难以听清说什么,所以真的特别遗憾。所以大家真的要选一个安静的地方以及没有杂音的电脑录制。还是祈祷可以有电面吧。也祝大家都能过过过,拿到心仪的offer。再次感谢!1.What are your reasons for wanting to join an Investment Bank?
2.Walk me through your resume/background, highlighting work experience, leadership activities, and outstanding extra-curricular achievements.
3. What has been your most rewarding college or university experience so far and why?
4.Why might a company choose to issue debt vs. equity?
5.Tell me about a recent deal that UBS led.
6.What would greater impact a firm's valuation: a 10% reduction in revenues or 1% reduction in discount rate?
7.Tell me one change introduced by the government which has had an impact on financial services
8_Additional two minutes to make comments.


1__ career goal? How you define success for you career
2__ when you are faced with several competing projects, what priorities will you give to these projects and based on what measurements you make such priorities
3_ what do you colleagues say about your collaboration style
4_ challenge for UBS operation
5_ what are the key clients for UBS operation and what youprovide
6_ Experience of building effective working relationship, what did you do to make it effective?
1__think of a time in the past when you did something which other people felt was wrong but you felt was justified in the circumstances- what was the situation and what did you do?
2__ give me an example of when you set yourself a challenging target_ Why did you set yourself the target? What made it so challenging? What was the result of your hard work?
3_tell me about a time when you helped somebody from outside your own team – what did you do and why?
4_describe a current/recent event and it’s impact on the stock market?
5_If I gave you USD 5 million to invest, what would you invest in and why? How did you come to that decision?
6_How would you explain what Asset Management is to a friend that has never heard of this area before?
7_You now have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.
Corporate centre: 1, What qualities do you think are important to be successful in working for a global bank?
2, Think of a time when you had several competing projects. What was the priorities? What did you do? What did you base on toprioritise them?
3, Think of a time when you improved a process. What did you do? How did you improve it? What was the result?
4,Think of a time when you worked really hard. What aspects motivated you? What were the elements that de-motivated you? What was the result?
5,Think of a time when you received a difficult feedback. What was the situation like? How did you react to it?
6, What would you do when you are stuck with a problem?
7,If you are to work for a 6-months project, and it is about to overrun on costs. What would you do to solve it effectively?
8, any comments?





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