看关于AC 的面经很少,我就来回报社会一下~
我是上周收到AC 邀请,这周三做完了面试。(巴克莱效率好高,我做完VI 第二天就受到了AC!)
第一部分是case study, 情景是巴克莱的手机银行出现了数据泄露, 给你一些数据,让你分析给你的manager听,并且提出solutions. case会提前一周发给你准备。25min pre, 15 min Q&A.
Q&A 问题: Agile learning: what did you learn during your preparationof this meeting? How comfortable do you feel when doing analyticalwork/dealing with data? At Barclays we value collaboration, why do you thinkteamwork/ collaboration is important? What do you think are the (biggest) challenges in yourfuture work at Barclays? How will you do to overcome that? 第二部分: Values interview 45min 1interviewer Self introduction Why Barclays and CBS? Goal Greatest thing you have learned from your past experience? !!!Barclays 5 个核心value各问了一个问题,一定要好好准备values!!!! How do you keep up with technology? Greatest technology inthe past 10 years?
以上就基本是全过程了,面试全程线上,用一个叫Piazza 的网站,meeting 用 cisco 软件,HR说7天内给结果~ 祝我和大家都好运啦~~~