l 请分享一个你与他人发生较大意见分歧的真实案例,你是如何与对方沟通最终达成多赢局面的。
l 请用最近半年发生的实例,你是如何不断探索未知领域,用新的知识,积累经验,创造更大的价值?具体过程遇到了哪些问题?
l 请谈谈你做过的最有挑战的项目和工作,你是如何克服各种挫折或者失败达成目标的?请分享一个具体的案例。
l 请举例说明你是如何主动发现机会,获取资源并持续跟进直至获得你预期或承诺达到的结果。
1. Please share a specific example when yourcourse load was the heaviest. You need to demonstrate how to handle it indetail.
2. specific examples when you met obstacles inan important programme. You need to demonstrate how to handle it indetail.
3. 描述一个frustrated的经历,怎么应对的。
4. how to handle multiple tasks at the sametime~
5. Give an example you convince team to improvethe project quality.
6. Set you needs aside to help others, 把自己的事先放一边去帮助他人
7. An example that you collaborate with othersto deliver impressive work.
8. 如何和一个很难共事的人相处
9. 请分享一个例子,你没能达到别人的期望,具体是怎么解决的。
10. 分享一个具体的案例,证明你的分析能力
11. describe a most significant or creativepresentation, how to handle it in detail?
12. applied knowledge from previuous coursework tohandle a real life problem. You need to demonstrate how to handel it in detail.
13. Pleasedescribe a specific example that you adapt quickly to changing environment
14. 你在团队工作中做的extra work。
15. solved for your classmates orteachers. How do you do it in details.