如论坛上其他人分享,渣打的笔试题在网申之后很快就会收到OSA,完成OSA之后就会收到logical和num,然后收到VI,一天内可以完成所有,但我为了充足准备(其实我是担心挂掉啦,毕竟之前做HSBC OIA时太马虎选的答案太真我就挂掉了),用了两周多的时间完成。附件中是在论坛找到的题,同时也是我实战遇到的题,不知道是不是我的运气好,完全是原题,就连VI也是原题(除了第一道),VI题有30s准备,90s叙述,5道题,回答完一道题可自由停歇,大致如下:
1. Why are you interested in applying for this business area?(和我之前在论坛看到的有出入,之前看到的是问whydo you think you fit the business area you apply to?)
2. How to deal with failure?
3. Imagine that you have been told a piece of workyou completed contains an error. WHat would you do next?
4. Howdo you typically approach working with complex information or data?
5. Thinkof something you do or see everyday, and how you can improve it.