前两天刚做了KP家的电面,平时也拿了不少经验,也分享一下面经给大家。 面我的不是HR,是一个Audit manager, 刚刚入职不久面试起来简直太!过!认!真! 非常准时打过来,对方先简单介绍自己,好吧,口音非常重,我几度听不懂他在说什么,但是非常Nice。然后跟你讲面试时间多久,基于五个点提问,就是deliver quality, resilience, Awarenessof and Seizes Opportunity,Career Motivation. 然后正如其他小朋友讲的那样,是一个问题下一个behaviour question, 然后一个SJT。然后再是resilience又是一个SJT, 然后就是两题Awareness of and Seizes Opportunity和三题Career Motivation A. deliver quality
1_Describe a project that you are proud of. 小哥非常认真问了超级多follow up question, 弄得我几度非常慌张。 What challenges did you come across? How didyou overcome? What have you learnt? SJT 是一个 multi task的情况 You come to work and find there're 4things at hand: 1) a short term project under deadline pressure 2)a longer termproject with various parts, but you don't know any detail yet 3) A dataanalysis work have to be done with in one month 4)you also have your own studyplan to do. 他也是问了超级多follow up, 先问了how doyou react, how can you make sure not fall in any task, 因为我提了要和manager communication, 他又突然问 whycommunication important for the position you applied, how do you communicatewith manager 这里我完全慌张!其实上面那个situation你就说要根据priority来完成各个task就可以了。 B. Resilience 也是经典问题,Describe a time when you had to perform under a pressurized environment.又是一大堆follow up? How did you thinkabout the pressure? How I would apply this to future situations?how can you makesure not fall in any task?然后又根据我对follow up的回答又追问了好几个,比如我里面有说我有几个group work一起,他有问如果两个group的时间conflict了怎么办。 SJT也是很经典的,就是前面那个项目的manager又回来找你 You've been working on a task for aclient for quite some time. Whilst you have enjoyed the project you have foundthe work monotonous and repetitive and you are happy to have finished thattask. You are looking forward to starting a new project tomorrow which will befast paced and every day will count, but if you are successful will be veryworthwhile. When you arrive at work, you receive an email from your managerfrom the previous project, informing you part of your work is incomplete andneeds to be redone. 又是一大波follow up来袭 How do you react inthis situation? How do you feel about the situation? How do you feel toward yourprevious project? 这一问我回答完他还一直追问what else you are going to do to previous project manager… How do you ensure you do notfall behind your new project? C. Awarenessof and Seizes Opportunity Tell me about a company that isperforming well currently. List four reasons and what challenge do they have potentially?How to overcome the challenge? 还追问了How did this firm performed this 2 years? 还有一问我没听太懂是什么Can you judge on什么什么的 第二题就是perfect customer service,倒是很常规没有什么特别的 D. Motivation 问的问题倒是很常规但也是follow up烦人!问的就是一些daily basis of audit 还有 what are you going to do in first12mths 和ACA qualified的问题。主要是我答到这里已经身心俱疲,中间还夹杂着follow up 什么what the most challenge, how to organizeyour time, what committee can you give之类的我已经记不太清。 最后就是希望自己AC顺利涨人品!也祝大家都拿offer!!