标题: BAML 2016 HK Summer IBD 1st+final round面经 [打印本页] 作者: WHYDOYOUCARE 时间: 2015-12-19 18:26 标题: BAML 2016 HK Summer IBD 1st+final round面经 a Lannister always pays his debts
LZ9月末交网申 11月中收到first round 听说BAML rolling
-大陆Associate (English)
1, Self Introduction
2, tell me about your deal experience?
-overview of company?
-feedback from investors?
-what did you learn from this business transaction?
3, Tell me about your other internship. What did you learn?
4, Behavioral question,tell me a situation where u adjust quickly to changes, especially over sth you have no control on
5, Questions for me?
基本是CV focused...问题比较personalized 最后一个standard behav应该是interviewer从题库随便挑的
一周过后第二个phone call
-Hong Kong Associate with native English
1, Self Introduction including why BAML
2, CV based (talked about internship experiences, academic backgrounds)
3, Tell me about a challenge that you faced, given little instructions, how did you overcome obstacles?
4, Tell me about a team experience, how do you achieve your goal? how do u build up relationships with team members?
5, What’s your motivation for IBD?
6, Questions for me?
总体上还是cv-based+两个standard 题库behav 无tech是BAML的特色呵呵,但感觉香港小哥很看重motivation
大概一周之后收到final round
Final Round- On site (4 interviewers in total)
1,香港MD (English)
基本就是CV based,问到deal experience,然后让LZ比较自己实习的几个公司,又问LZ 实习老板啊老大是谁然后MD说认识(炫人脉呵呵), market news然后还问到我的观点是什么; 最后LZ继续吹实习做过的一个大项目MD马上问还有哪家投行是advisor,LZ说呵呵是BAML。MD说嗯我就想看看你知不知道呵呵
2,大陆VP (English)
继续cv based,唯一tech就是关于deal experience的如何选comps,最后问到有没有拿return, LZ说呵呵没
3,澳洲Director (English)
tech为主,问到minority interest,accretive/dilutive analysis,然后老题2000根号多少呵呵。。
I had my superday last Wednesday and the HR said the results would come out this week. 作者: 最是人间留不住 时间: 2018-3-14 11:20
多谢楼主分享!作者: 15319146 时间: 2019-7-21 13:05