Please answer the following questions as accurately as possible.
1. Please give details of any relevant work experience you have had, including internships or vacation work. (Max 150 Words)
2. Please give details of any positions of responsibility or leadership you have held over the last 3 years. (Max 150 Words)
3. Why have you chosen your proposed career and what personal attributes make you a suitable candidate? (Max 150 Words)
4_What are your career goals and why have you chosen Reckitt Benckiser to fulfill them? (Max 150 Words)
5.Describe a situation where you have achieved exceptional results through leading a team. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)
6. Describe a challenging activity or event that you had to plan and implement. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)
7. Describe a situation when you were faced with a complex problem to solve. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)
8. Describe a situation where you have had to persuade others, preferably in a professional environment, to change their mind to your point of view. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)作者: mpd1234 时间: 2009-2-20 11:05
沙发~~~多谢楼主啊!!!作者: frogzhao 时间: 2009-2-20 11:07
有人知道研发培训生工作地点在哪吗作者: mtx0965 时间: 2009-2-20 11:09
thanks!!!!!!!!!!作者: karrow 时间: 2009-2-20 11:17
找时间填咯~~~作者: kamezzang 时间: 2009-2-20 11:18 本帖最后由 kamezzang 于 2009-2-20 11:20 编辑
5_Describe a situation where you have achieved exceptional results through leading a team. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)
6. Describe a challenging activity or event that you had to plan and implement. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)
7. Describe a situation when you were faced with a complex problem to solve. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)
8. Describe a situation where you have had to persuade others, preferably in a professional environment, to change their mind to your point of view. What did you do? What was the outcome? (Max 150 Words)作者: joeanna1314 时间: 2009-2-23 17:01
Thanks a lot!作者: maiusyyy 时间: 2009-2-23 18:18
谢楼主!!:81)作者: evengyw 时间: 2009-2-23 19:11
多谢楼主了!!不过题目好多啊。。。写那么多,他们来得及看吗。。。。作者: ekulong 时间: 2009-2-23 21:02
谢谢,我就正在准备这些OQ呢作者: 绿茶泡雪 时间: 2009-2-23 22:20
多谢 多谢 楼主作者: sosodef 时间: 2009-2-23 22:29
谢谢楼主了。。。作者: daniellan0310 时间: 2009-2-24 12:27
又是这种题,真不好答作者: pengsi7 时间: 2009-2-24 13:14 15#小菜菜