1# 宁悠
KPMG’s Core Values
The KPMG Way is our definition of who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Our core values lie at the heart of The KPMG Way. They define our culture and our commitment to the highest principles of personal and professional conduct. We lead by example—at all levels acting in a way that exemplifies what we expect of each other and our member firms’ clients. We work together—bringing out the best in each other and creating strong and successful working relationships. We respect the individual—respecting people for who they are and for their knowledge, skills, and experience as individuals and team members. We seek the facts and provide insight—challenging assumptions, pursuing facts, and strengthening our reputation as trusted and objective business advisers. We are open and honest in our communication—sharing information, insight, and advice frequently and constructively and managing tough situations with courage and candor. We are committed to our communities—acting as responsible corporate citizens and broadening our skills, experience, and perspectives through work in our communities. Above all, we act with integrity—constantly striving to uphold the highest professional standards, provide sound advice, and rigorously maintain our independence.
“毕马威之道”是我们对我们的身份﹑我们所做的和应怎样去做的认定,它的基石正是我们的价值观,而我们的价值观,就是我们追求最高个人和职业操守水平的文 化和承诺。
以身作则 为人表率–各个级别的人员都从我做起,用行动给同事和客户做榜样。 上下一心 团队精神–让每个人发挥所长,建立密切和谐的工作关系。 互敬互重 群策群力–尊重每个人的个性,尊重他们个人以及作为团体成员的知识﹑技能和经验。 实事求是 卓见精辟–求证假设,探究事实,名符其实成为客户值得信赖和客观的合作伙伴。 开诚布公 言行一致–经常地﹑有建设性地分享信息﹑观点和建议,凭勇气和真诚战胜困难。 热心公益 回馈社会–承担作为企业公民的责任,通过参与社会公益活动,进一步巩固我们的技能﹑经验和洞察力。 诚信为本 守正不移–时刻坚持最高的专业准则,提供切实可行的建议,一丝不苟地维护我们的独立性。 希望对大家有帮助!祝大家找工作顺利!!!:110) |