1. Currentstatus of the study... [这个很汗。。不知道要我说什么]
2. Whatis ur plan after graduation?
3. Lot of internship related questions
4. How do you convince your teammates that ur a good leader?
5. Howdo you make use of your members strength?
6. Tellme a time that your team achieve a result.
7. Tellme a time that you exceed your expectation
8. Howdo you develop yourself?
9. Whyglobal banking? What is your second choice?
10. Why Banking Industry?
11. What other things you want to add to supportthe application?
最后问了三个问题,因为hr英语一般,我不好意思多纠缠人家。。就没问多少。。。出来后算了大概面了45分钟,没有前面那个人面得久。不过整体感觉还不错,基本上我所有的experience都涵盖了,因为hr似乎是按照online application form 上面来看(早就忘了填的什么了。。),我讲一个地方就画一个钩什么的.
这个HR的风格比渣打的Jane软多了,基本上不追问。整个Interview非常强调Leadership。祝大家马到成功 |