刚刚面试了美林,video interview,把题目写出来造福一下大家:5道题,30s准备,3min答题, 以下都是大概,因为实际题目记不住了
1. tell us about yourself and why are you interested in this programme (我本来准备的是why BoA, 没想到问的是why this program)
2. we have different business units cooperating in the world, tell us a time when you work in a team to acheive a goal.
3. tell us a situation when you face a complex situation, which requires lots thought and careful analysis.
4. 你写了一篇报告是给stakeholder的,你在deadline前半个小时才写完,你忽然发现你拿来分析的原始数据有些是错的,你现在会怎么做,考虑什么factors,为什么
5. discuss a event happening in the world and how this event affects the market and the role you apply.
最后希望大家都顺利拿到工作! |