Question 1: Do I Love Solving Problems ?
解决问题!这就是咨询的本质。在生活中你遇到解决不了问题是一避了之,请专家代劳;还是在时间、精力允许的情况下,津津有味得想方设法将问题从大化小,各各击破并在此过程中不断学习,并乐于此道不能自拔?如果你倾向于找专家代劳,那你跟适合做企业的CEO而不是咨询顾问。咨询顾问的天职就是迎向各行各业最棘手的问题,并不断学习,视其为生活的乐趣。这就是所有咨询公司都要求的两点:Problem Solving Skill & Intellectual Curiosity.
Question 2: Do I Think in Logic?
逻辑思维,这就是传说中的Case Interview所要考察的一个重要方面。咨询这份职业需要咨询员无论思考任何问题都能以严密的逻辑层层推进。遇到宽泛的问题,你喜欢直接跳向结果和可能的答案,还是耐心寻找合适的approach,并将问题break down到几个小块,分清主次,一个一个得解决,知道找到问题的根源?这个习惯,从生活中的一点一滴中都能培养。
Question 3: Am I Keen to Numbers?
Question 4: Can I Work Better Under Pressure?
压力是咨询的家常便饭。在极大压力下你还能保证你思维的创造力和灵活性吗? 你能在一两天内从一个行业的门外汉成为略有精通的”业内人士吗”?
Question 5: Do I Love Communicate With People?
Question 6: Do I Have the Maturity?
Question 7: Is Helping Client the Best Way for Me to Achieve My Value?
这点是最后,也是最重要的。每个人实现自身价值的方式不同。有些人喜欢资产的累积,有些人喜欢实业的建立。而这些都不是咨询的Vision. 咨询师实现自身价值的唯一方式,就是帮助客户实现他们的价值。如果这不符合你实现自身价值的方式,那咨询就不应该是你的选择。
The Score Board of Interviewer:
Problem Solving Skills
Keen to Numbers?
Logical Thinking
Thinking Out of the Box(创造力)
Common Sense (Business Sense)
Solution Oriented
Intellectual Potential
Maturity (Very Important!)
Communication Skills
Poise Under Pressure
Intellectual Curiosity (你听到极附挑战的案例会两眼放光吗?)
Sense of Humor (有时候这很重要)
诚然,即使给出完美的案例分析不是必须地,但逻辑地切入问题,思考问题,给出方案,在这一过程中展现你地能力,是每个合格地interviewee所必须做到地。特别是对于非经管类地学生,该如何准备从未涉及过的Case Interview呢?请参看Part V: Ace Your Case!! Part V: Ace Your Case!!
关于有效获得信息。这里有一个经验之谈:永远不要问面试官宽泛的问题(如:我们客户的渠道是不是除了什么问题?)因为这绝对不是面试官希望听到的Smart Question,老道的面试官听你问出这样的Open Question,更是会随时把问题反给你“What Do You Think?”。因此就我看来获得有效信息的最好方法是先问自己,有哪些可能性?他们的Priority又是怎样的?把可能的情况按照他们的Priority说出来(也就是做Hypothesis),然后再问面试官哪一个Hypothesis是正确的。(例如“我认为渠道可能出了如下问题:A,B,C,A的可能性最大,因为。。。。Am I right?”)面试官是非常乐意听到这样的问题的,即使你没有点中要害,他也会很友好的提示和纠正。
关于给出Solution, BCG的Interviewer给过我一个忠告:Gather all what you have and turn to your INTUITION! 其实这就是考验你的Business sense的时候。我在麦肯西一面的时候,到时间用完的还是没有收集到足够的信息,但是面试官说没有时间了,要我立刻给Solution,我只能回顾了一下现有的信息,凭借自己的直觉,给出了可行,最后还是顺利通过了一面。所以,个人觉得,最终的答案相对你分析问题的过程并不重要,即使没有足够多的信息,你也可以凭借的你的直觉和business sense给出你认为可行的方案,只要自信,合理,能够自圆其说就可以了。 Part VI Real People, Real Cases
Question: Please Estimate the market size of PVC Powder in China
Additional Information Given if Asked:
The application of PVC Powder includes:
Construction: Bathroom Pipes, Window Frames, Door Frames
Agriculture: Irrigation Pipes, Green House Films
Question: Please estimate how many business that needs Yellow Page in China
Additional Information Given if Asked:
It’s better to estimate in terms of Volume instead of Revenue.
It’s possible to check out how many business telephone numbers are there in China
Solution: 这是一道很难的market sizing,是我所见所闻中最最难对付的。因为太宽泛。和几个一起面试的同学商量之后,也没有一个完美的可行方案。基本不可能得出正确的数据。就看大家能否尽可能得分析完整。讨论下来可能方案如下:
将所有的Business分成办公楼,街道边的Mum & Pop Shop和没有营业场所。分别计算中国办公楼的数量,街道边Mum & Pop Shop的数量和网上生意等。
其中街道边Mum & Pop Shop的数量可以以上海这个城市为例,划分区,街道,每个block中街道边可能有的生意的种类,数量,再计算。(误差比较大)
看Fortune 500,里面Business大致的种类,然后在中国以同样的方法划分。(这需要对于一些基础知识有所了解。)然后再通过中国的国民生产总值, 估算每一个行业大致的Revenue,然后在每个行业中设单个Business Unit的平均Revenue, 用总的去除以个体平均Revenue就能得出个体business的个数了。(同样误差很大,对于宏观经济要有所了解)
另外两个只能算做是Verify的方法:去工商局查看具体数据,或者通过电话局看Business Nunber有多少个。
(3) Fast Food
(McKinsey 1st Round)
Question: Please Estimate the Market Size of Fast Food Franchise in China
(1) Logistic Company Cost Reduction (BCG 2nd Round)
Question: Please discuss the possibility of cost reduction of a logistic company
Additional Information Given if Asked
Company A is a company that provides transportation for car manufacturers. (Transport cars with trucks)
Company A offers a higher price than the market average but no special feature in service.
The Cost structure of Company A:
Labor: 20%
Fuel: 25%
Maintenance: 10%
Depreciation: 25%
Margin: 20%
The cost o f labor, fuel, maintenance/unit is the same as the market average.
The depreciation cost/year is lower than the market average
The truck company A owns is cheaper than the market average (25,000 versus 30,000) but can only transport 6 cars per truck versus 7 cars as market average.
(2) Ski Resort
( McKinsey 1st Round) Question: The profit of a ski resort is coming down in recent years. Please help!!
Additional Information Given if Asked
Revenue is coming down while the cost is going up.
Revenue Stream of the Ski Resort:
Hotel, Restaurant, Equipment Rental, Ski Ticket, Media, Souvenir
In summer, the ski field is closed while the hotel and restaurant is still open
The customer could be segmented as Business/Leisure; Elder/Young
The ski resort is losing too much leisure customer in summer and it’s impossible to win them back.
The business customer is coming less because of the old equipment and lack of internet connection.
这个问题起初是很繁琐的。因为cost上升的同时,Revenue也在下降。所以很重要的一点是先看Revenue后看Cost, 然后再将Revenue分成夏季和冬季(想不到这一点,就没办法继续了)。然后可以看出问题主要出现在夏季。夏季的客户再能够分成business和leisure, Elder和Younger. 通过和面试官交流,发现Leisure怎么努力也没办法赢回来。那就集中精力考虑business.最后可以看到business customer减少的原因是现代化设施更不上。可以考虑重新投资,估算投资所需费用,做一个Break Even Analysis就可过关。至于Cost, 可以考虑关掉一些餐馆和高支出的revenue source.
Business Strategy:
我碰到的Strategy Question在Bernard的Blog上面Jia Liang的面经和BBS之前的面经里都已经出现过。就不在重复了。
最后送给大家一句真言:Practice Makes Perfect. 我身边99%拿到顶尖咨询公司offer的同仁都是通过有效的mock interview实现最后的成果的。Good Luck!